Thursday, Mar 20th

Vote for the SCNP Slate: Letters from Jane Veron and William McInerney

3trusteesRandy Whitestone, Lena Crandall and Justin Arest are running for Scarsdale Village Trustee.My colleagues Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and nominee Randy Whitestone are the right choice for Village Trustee. Our community is navigating uncertain times, and we need proven, steady leadership.
We will benefit enormously from the experience and insight Justin and Lena bring as returning Trustees. The learning curve is steep, and they have gained invaluable perspective. Their grasp of the complexities of municipal government will afford better decision-making for our residents. Justin and Lena prepare, ask tough questions, and challenge conventional wisdom. They also demonstrate an abiding respect of others and care deeply for our residents. Randy, too, has shown his commitment to our Village. He was a regular in our lengthy budget meetings pre-COVID and has been zooming in and weighing in on Board deliberations thereafter. Randy listens intently and offers constructive feedback.

We are in a unique moment in Scarsdale’s history. Government must move swiftly, thoughtfully, and cooperatively to protect our health, safety and welfare. The Village Board and staff are working in partnership to prepare for the worst, both operationally and fiscally. At the very same time, Board and staff are coming together to innovate, to enable the very best. There is a “can do” attitude that permeates, and Justin, Lena and Randy embody that ethos.

I am optimistic about our future, and I am confident that Justin, Lena and Randy will lead the way.

Jane Veron
Tompkins Road

To the Editor and all Concerned Citizens of Scarsdale:

I strongly urge all Scarsdale voters to support ROW B, the Scarsdale Citizens’ Non-Partisan Party slate of Randy Whitestone, Lena Crandall, and Justin Arest for Trustee and Jack Alemany for Village Justice in the Village election on Tuesday, September 15.

I am a lifelong Scarsdale resident, SHS 1976, and a homeowner since 1992. I served 1 term on the Citizens Nominating Committee about 10 years ago.

I feel strongly that we have 2 critically important elections coming up that will determine the future stability and quality of life in our Village, State, and Country. I will leave the race between Trump and Biden for another day. Our local contest is just as important and possibly just as historic.

The next few years will challenge our Village as never before. Pandemic response. Economic recovery. Social justice. Climate change. Infrastructure replacement and repair. We need the best citizen leaders available. The right choice is to choose Row B, the Scarsdale Citizens’ Non-Partisan Party slate.

Whitestone, Crandall, Arest, and Alemany were vetted and nominated by a committee drawn from every Scarsdale neighborhood. Their challengers are self-appointed and running on narrow personal interests and grievances.

Whitestone, Crandall, Arest, and Alemany are running on lengthy records of service to all of Scarsdale. Indeed, Lena Crandall, and Justin Arest are seeking second terms as Trustees and Judge Alemany is currently our acting Village Justice.

Randy Whitestone is a close friend of mine for over 20 years. He is deeply versed in history, politics, and social movements. Randy can communicate the nuances of a problem and a solution better than anyone I know. I believe him unreservedly when he says, “I take seriously the stewardship of this great community. I want to continue to give back and now I offer myself as someone who I'd like to think can help make a difference. I look forward -- by listening, asking the right questions, and providing a voice for the community -- to helping tackle the tough issues and concerns facing the village."

Time is short. Do research. Be heard. Make your vote count. Don’t risk our future. I trust you will agree with me and Vote Row B - Randy Whitestone, Lena Crandall, and Justin Arest for Trustee and Jack Alemany for Village Justice.

Important information:
9/4: Last day to register to vote.

9/8: Last day an application for an absentee ballot can be received by mail & be processed. COVID-19 is a permissible reason for voting absentee. Check the temporary illness box on the application.

9/14: Last day an applicant or an applicant’s agent may submit an application for an absentee ballot in person & receive a ballot from the Village Clerk at Village Hall.

9/15: ELECTION DAY! VOTE ROW B! Voting in person: 6 AM - 9 PM @ Scarsdale Congregational Church, 1 Heathcote Rd. All election districts | 6 AM to 9 PM. Also, last date Village Clerk can accept absentee ballots in person or by mail.

William McInerney
5 Edgewood Road