Thursday, Mar 20th

Spinning for Haiti, Book Swap for Toddlers and the Internet for Seniors

soul4SHS for Haiti invites you to spin, sweat and support the Afya Foundation for Haiti. This unforgettable 45-minute workout will be held at 12:45 pm on March 19, 2011 at Soul Cycle at 7 Popham Road in Scarsdale. Tickets are $50 and include one reserved bike, shoe rental, t-shirt and food. If you can’t come, don’t sweat it! You can still support the cause by sponsoring a rider! You can reserve your bike now by contacting Chloe Kaufman at [email protected] or by phone at 917-328-0944.

The JCC of Mid-Westchester Nursery School PTA hosted its first annual book swap on Wednesday, February 9th.jccbookswap1 Nearly 200 children and parents enjoyed a “pajamas only” evening of stories, book swapping, milk and cookies and a visit from Clifford the Big Red Dog. Over 700 books were donated by nursery school families for the event. All the books that were not “swapped” were donated to local charitable organizations. The JCC Nursery school’s next PTA event will be a Mitzvah Day in May.

On February 7, At Home in Scarsdale ran a session on Social Networking for Adults at the Scarsdale Woman's Club for members and prospective members of the Club. Carol Freidman, computer educational consultant spoke for well over an hour to a full room of eager adults who wanted to learn more about the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In,blogs and more.


Photo from left to right, Carol Freidman, Ellen Bierman, Mimi Ripp, Eileen Laxer.