Thursday, Mar 20th

Riverkeeper’s Executive Director to Speak on Indian Point at League Luncheon

paulgallayPaul Gallay, the Executive Director of Riv erkeeper, will discuss “Indian Point and the Future of Energy in the Hudson Valley” at a luncheon sponsored by the Scarsdale League of Women Voters on May 13 at Scarsdale Golf Club. Riverkeeper is a member-supported watchdog organization dedicated to defending the Hudson River and its tributaries and protecting the drinking water supply of nine million New York City and Hudson Valley residents. Mr. Gallay has worked for over 25 years to protect the environment and support local communities as a non-profit executive, public official and educator. Before joining Riverkeeper in 2010, Mr. Gallay served with New York State’s Attorney General and Department of Environmental Conservation to help shut down polluters and reduce contamination in the Hudson; led Westchester Land Trust, creating the Westchester Open Space Alliance which successfully lobbied for over $45 million to fund parkland and preserves; and served as the president of Maine Coast Heritage Trust.

All League members are invited to the League’s annual meeting, which will be held before the luncheon at 11 am and will include electing a new board and adopting a budget and programs for 2011-12.

The luncheon will begin at 11:45 am. The cost is $40 per person (or $45 payable at the door); make your check payable to League of Women Voters of Scarsdale and mail to Anne Lyons, 82 Greenacres Avenue, Scarsdale 10583. For more information, call Lisa Copeland at 472-2568.