Thursday, Mar 20th

Project Eye to Eye and Strides Westchester Walk

kids_copyProject Eye to Eye is a national not-for-profit mentoring program that has been changing the lives of children and young adults across the United States. The newly-formed Scarsdale chapter of Project Eye to Eye (PETE) will pair Scarsdale High School students with language-based learning disabilities and / or ADHD with Scarsdale students in fifth through seventh grades with similar challenges.

Once a week, a group of 13 mentors will work with 13 mentees and using a fun art-based curriculum will help these children to discover and use their individual strengths, value their own unique minds, and speak up for what they need to succeed in the classroom.

The Scarsdale program will be lead by SHS juniors Emma Colbran and Zach Galst who are seeking to create a supportive environment and build student confidence and self esteem. Colbran says, "Overcoming learning disabilities requires self-advocacy and a determination to achieve. It is important to accept, recognize and seek out necessary accommodations." Galst added, "Often kids with LD feel they aren't smart enough. They don't understand why they can't keep up academically with their peer group. The high school mentor group is not so much older than the middle school students and this makes it easier to make connections to other kids similarly affected by LD. The PETE program is a chance to make a huge difference in kid's lives."

The program is seeking students in 5th through 7th grades to be paired with high school mentors. To learn more about Project Eye to Eye -- visit: For questions about the Scarsdale chapter, email [email protected] or [email protected]. Space is limited to 13 participants.

  • For: Boys and Girls; 5th - 7th Grade with Language based learning disabilities and / or ADHD
  • Dates: October 23 -- March 25 (Class will not be held holiday weekends)
  • Time: Sundays from 10:00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m.
  • Where: Betty Taubert Girl Scout House, 37 Wayside Lane, Scarsdale
  • Fee: None
  • Coordinators: Emma Colbran and Zach Galst --SHS Class 2013


JCCWalkMore Good Work: On Sunday, October 16, 2011 Team JCC of Mid-Westchester participated in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Westchester Walk. The 19 member team raised nearly $1000.