Thursday, Mar 20th

Fall Benefits: Children's Hope Chest, American Cancer Society and Friends of Karen

childrenshopechestOn Saturday September 22, dozens of Scarsdale kids sold home baked goods to benefit The Children’s Hope Chest first annual Recipe for Hope Fundraiser. Pictured here are Sydney Frank, Allie Singer, Abby Fisher, and Audrey Gendel who ran a bake sale at the Green Acres soccer field, following their soccer game.

All of the proceeds from the bake sales were given to The Children’s Hope Chest and will be used to support its mission of providing help and offering hope to children in our community suffering from poverty, abuse, neglect and illness. “In addition to helping those in need, The Children’s Hope Chest strives to increase social action by promoting adult and youth volunteerism,” said Susan Nangle, co-President of the organization. “We are excited that this program will get so many young people out to help others.”

The Children’s Hope Chest is a local grass-roots organization comprised of concerned individuals who wish to promote volunteerism and goodwill in an effort to help lift despair among local children in need. By creating programs and encouraging the participation of children, CHC strives to offer hope to these children. They partner with established organizations that are already helping local needy families to provide them with items that are already helping local needy families to provide them with items that are

Learn more at:

Houlihan Lawrence Makes Strides for Breast Cancer

Scarsdale agents and staff from Houlihan Lawrence are participating in the American Cancer Society “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer “ walk on October 21 at Manhattanville College in Purchase. They are inviting supporters from Scarsdale to join them for this fun, two-hour walk through the beautiful Manhattanville campus. Contributions can also be made to the cause by going to Erika Collazo’s Making Strides webpage. Erika is on staff at Houlihan Lawrence.

Click here to contribute:

Friends of Karen to Host Event at LIFE in Ardsley

The Adina's Angels Fund at Friends of Karen is named in memory of Adina Berkowitz, who lost her 4-year battle with leukemia at the age of 17. Justin, Adina's 20-year-old brother, died unexpectedly only two weeks before Adina.

The Adina's Angels Fund has raised over $100,000 so far to support Friends of Karen’s mission of providing emotional, financial and advocacy support to children with a life-threatening illness and their family. It particularly strengthens support for youngsters coping with their sister's or brother's illness.

So put on your dancing shoes and enjoy cocktails, hor d’oeuvres, dinner, a raffle the DJ and more. join the fun! Click here for more information.

The Adina’s Angels 3rd Annual Fundraising Event to support Friends of Karen
October 12, 2012
LIFE...The Place To Be
2 Lawrence Street
Ardsley, NY 10502