Thursday, Mar 20th

Junior League Seeks Applicants for High School Volunteer Awards

volunteerDo you know a female junior in your school who is making a difference? Is she a leader in school or in her community? Is she someone who cared enough about an issue to take a stand and make a difference? However she has done it, she is making a contribution and the Junior League wants to hear about her!

The Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) is offering three $500 Volunteer Service Awards to female high school juniors. The recipients of this award will be young women who have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to volunteerism within their community and/or school. The purpose of this award is to promote volunteerism and to support the development of young women.

Award Criteria
The JLCW will consider all applicants who meet the following criteria:
• Female
• High school junior
• Student in Ardsley, Eastchester, Edgemont, Greenburgh Central, Scarsdale or White Plains School District
• Has demonstrated a commitment to volunteerism between September 2013 and March 2015

Application Deadline
All applications must be submitted by May 4, 2015.
To download an application, please visit
Questions? Email [email protected].