Saturday, Mar 22nd

Sign up for the Scarsdale Summer Tennis Youth League

tenniscourtThe Scarsdale Summer Youth Tennis League is now celebrating it's 31st season. Organized by the New York Junior Tennis League and the Scarsdale Recreation Department, the program is for boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 18.

Round Robin Matches will begin weekday evenings between 6 PM and 8 PM on Monday, July 13 at the Middle School Tennis Courts and continue for 4 weeks into early August. Players can choose to play one or two hours per night.

A player can get 32 hours of tennis matches over four weeks for just $ 40 and receive a participation trophy and a Scarsdale NYJTL tee shirt. The program concludes with a tennis tournament and a pizza and ice cream party.

Tennis matches will be held for all skill levels : beginner, novice, intermediate and advanced. The Summer Youth Tennis League will build on the successful Spring Short Court Tennis Program with 200 players held by the Recreation Department.

Youth and parents interested in the Summer Tennis League should contact Bob Harrison, at 914 646-4054 or by email at

Applications can be picked up at the Recreation Department at Village Hall or found at