Thursday, Mar 20th

STEAM Day Planned for November 14, 2015

SteamLogoScarsdale gets STEAMy this November! What do science, technology, engineering, art and math have in common? More than you'd ever imagine--and Scarsdale's kids will have a chance to learn all about it on STEAM Day 2015. This first-ever event, scheduled for Saturday, November 14 from 9 am to 12 pm, will be hosted by the Parent Teacher Council.

STEAM is one of modern education's hottest new learning methods, blending science, technology, engineering, art, and math. On STEAM Day, fourth through sixth graders will meet with professionals who concentrate in these disciplines, and enjoy STEAM presentations and workshops. Following the format of the famed PT Council's Young Writers Workshop, students will attend a keynote presentation followed by two workshops of their choosing.

Watch for STEAM Day registration information coming this fall.

Community members active in STEAM-related fields are urged to volunteer as presenters; the event is eagerly soliciting volunteer organizers as well. Contact co-chairs Ophira Cukierman ([email protected]), or Amy Goldstein ([email protected]).