CNC Seeks Candidates For Village Trustee
- Monday, 21 December 2015 15:51
- Last Updated: Monday, 21 December 2015 16:28
- Published: Monday, 21 December 2015 15:51
- Lena Crandall
- Hits: 4525
Do you know someone who might be interested in serving as a Village Trustee? The Scarsdale Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC) is currently selecting candidates to run on the Citizens' Non-Partisan Party slate for three open Trustee positions on the Village Board.
Potential nominees for Trustee must be citizens of the United States, residents of the Village of Scarsdale, and at least 18 years of age. Mayor Jonathan Mark noted that future trustees should be able to listen to residents, fellow Board members and Village staff; make the necessary time commitment; have a willingness to work with others; be interested in educating oneself on the issues presented; and a professional, courteous demeanor.
Trustee David Lee's seat will be open as his second term expires in 2016. Trustees Deb Pekarek and Marc Samwick will be eligible for nomination to serve a second term.
Further information regarding Scarsdale's non-partisan system can be found here.
Trustee David Lee, whose second term expires in 2016, advised the CNC during its public organizational meeting, that being a trustee is a lot of work, but a lot of fun for anyone interested in learning more about the ins and outs of local government. He suggested that the CNC, "...look for people with a record of community involvement, who appear to be open-minded and fair-minded, and yet willing to compromise when necessary in working toward consensus ... and look for people who would make themselves accessible to our residents and would be good communicators with them, while being able to maintain objectivity when deciding how to vote on Village issues." Finally he said, "look for people who get along well with others, which is critical for a well-functioning board and professional Village staff."
Does this sound like you or anyone you know? You can play a role in the Village's non-partisan system, by filling out the paperwork available on the web site, or suggest potential candidates to anyone of the volunteers serving on the CNC. The names of CNC representatives elected in each Scarsdale district can be found here. Chairman Howard Nadel can also be contacted at (914) 723-2829 or [email protected]. Help make our democracy work by acting now.