Monday, Feb 10th

Mah Jong Benefit for WP Hospital, Scarsdale Residents Honored by TIC

Mah Jong 1The Friends of White Plains Hospital held their third annual Mah Jong and Martinis fundraiser at Bistro 808 in Scarsdale on Thursday, March 3rd. More than 60 women attended the event, which included cocktails and Mah Jong play, and provided participants an opportunity to hear about the substantial growth and expansion initiatives at White Plains Hospital. Chaired by Wendy Berk and Eileen Meyers, both of Scarsdale, the event raised funds for the refurbishment of the White Plains Hospital pediatric playroom.

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Julie and Warren Breakstone Honored at Temple Israel Gala

BreakstonesAssemblywoman, Amy Paulin, speaking on behalf of over 400 attendees, expressed gratitude to Scarsdale residents, Julie and Warren Breakstone as outstanding Young Leaders, and to honorees, Rosalee and Morty Weinstein, last Saturday evening at Temple Israel Center of White Plains' Annual Gala. Michelle Steinhart, TIC White Plains' Director of Inclusion, received Special Tribute. Scarsdale resident, and president of TIC White Plains, Ellen Salant, delivered further accolades, as well as White Plains mayor, Tom Roach and Rabbi Gordon Tucker. For more details about this festive event go to