Thursday, Mar 20th

Junior League Partners with Westchester County to Provide Critical Support for Diaper Need

JLCW1The Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) has a long, rich history of serving as a force for positive change in Central Westchester. Its members are all volunteers and come from Scarsdale, Eastchester, Greenburgh and White Plains and work to identify and remediate issues facing their local service area. Fundraising is an important part of the league and funds raised are used to support JLCW's mission to serve the local community where it is needed most.

One of the most impressive and most successful projects to date has been JLCW's formation of the Westchester County Diaper Bank. In conjunction with Westchester County Executive Robert Astorino and the Department of Social Services, JLCW launched the Westchester County Diaper Bank in Fall 2014. This is the first diaper bank of its kind in our area. The Westchester County Diaper Bank (WCDB) collects wipes and disposable diapers of all sizes, types and brands and distributes clean diapers to families unable to afford them.

I had a chance to sit down with some league members to learn more about what the diaper bank is, why it's critical for helping those struggling to make ends meet, and about and how you can help.

Why do we need a Diaper Bank?
In Westchester County, 8,000 children age 4 and under are living in poverty; an additional 3,000 are in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Each child needs 50 diapers per week costing approximately $936 per year. Diapers are a basic need, not a luxury items. Diaper need has been coined "the silent epidemic."

Can't parents buy diapers for their children with WIC or Food Stamps (SNAP Program)?
Diapers cannot be obtained with food stamps, and no state or federal child safety-net program allocates dollars specifically for the purchase of diapers. While TANF covers diapers, its funds must be stretched to pay for other living expenses which doesn't leave much to keep baby bottoms clean and dry. Little if any money is left over to purchase enough to cover the $80 needed per month for diapers. With the support of the Westchester County Government, JLCW and the local community, diapers are now being distributed through the Westchester County Diaper Bank.

What is the impact of lack of diapers for a child?
Without an ample supply of diapers, babies wear used diapers or wear a diaper for too long. These habits, often seen as the only choice by caregivers, lead to poor health from infections, emotional struggles in babies due to discomfort, missing ritual/bonding time (mothers and babies) and distress from tough choices, e.g. pay bills or buy diapers. Babies who wear soiled diapers for too long are at higher risk of dermatological infections and urinary tract infections. Access to diapers alleviates infection, discomfort, emotional struggles and stress.

Why not just use cloth diapers?
Working caregivers must provide sufficient disposable diapers and wipes to daycare facilities and risk missing work if they can't. Washing facilities are often not available to low income families and most laundromats won't allow cloth diapers. Cloth diapers also have a high up-front cost.

Who operates the Westchester County Diaper Bank?
JLCW sources diapers, screens and processes applications, and packages diapers. The Westchester County Department of Social Services (DSS) transports and stores the diapers, and distributes them to applicants.

How many children do you serve?
As of February 1, 2016, the Westchester County Diaper Bank has collected nearly 300,000 diapers and has distributed nearly 180,000 diapers to caregivers. Approximately 12,500 diapers are being distributed per month to needy people which translates to 250 children per month or 3,000 per year. The demand continues to rise, however.

Who is eligible to receive diapers?
Westchester County residents who are parents, guardians or caregivers for children 3 ½ years of age and younger are eligible to receive diapers. Applicants must show proof of residency (e.g., driver's license or a recent utility/rent bill) and the child's birth certificate upon diaper pickup. Although the JLCW partners with DSS, a family does not have to be an existing DSS client to apply for diapers.

How does someone apply for diapers?
More information can be found here:

It's amazing that this service never existed before the JLCW partnership. How can other people help?

• Host a diaper drive with your school, business, civic group, neighborhood or faith organization.
• Donate diapers to the diaper bank including leftovers and opened packages, pull ups, and wipes. There's a bin on the porch at Wayside Cottage, 1039 Post Road, Scarsdale.
• Donate funds to the diaper bank by clicking here.
• Volunteer with JLCW to help support the diaper bank. The next event is coming up on June 18th. Come to Wayside Cottage and help sort and package diapers and wipes from 9:30 AM- Noon, or drop some off that day.
• Use social media to raise awareness and use hashtags #DiaperNeed, #DiaperGap and #DiaperOn.

For more information on the Westchester County Diaper Bank, click here, email: [email protected] or call 914-723-6442.