Thursday, Mar 20th

SFD Commemorates 9-11

JT1 3667-SApproximately 65 people attended the Scarsdale Fire Departments 14th Annual September 11th Memorial Service including on duty and off duty Scarsdale Firefighters and Police Officers, Scarsdale Volunteer Firefighters, members from Scarsdale Ambulance Corp, members of the Village Board and Village Manager Stephen Pappalardo.

The ceremony consisted of a presentation JT1 3681-Sof the colors (American, PD and FD flags) by the Scarsdale Fire/Police Honor guard unit, placing of flowers at the base of the US Flag, readings from Mayor Jonathan Mark, Trustee Matthew Callaghan, Police Sargent Pete Godshall and Berenice Miller from SVAC.

Scarsdale Police Officer Malcolm Greer sang the national anthem and Scarsdale High School student Melinda Orengo sang Amazing Grace. Sheila Gorham (wife of Scarsdale Firefighter Pat Gorham) also sang during the service.

Photos by Jon Thaler - see more at

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