Thursday, Mar 20th

Village Announces New Food Scrap Recycling Program

foodscrapOn January 9th, the Village of Scarsdale launched a food scrap recycling program. Residents can now bring their food scraps to the Scarsdale Recycling Center located at 110 Secor Road where there will be a drop-off site. ALL food scraps, including but not limited to meat, dairy, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, pasta, cooked food, leftover food, etc. will be accepted. This is not just for food scraps that could go into a backyard compost bin, any food scraps are accepted at the drop-off site. The collected food scraps will be brought to a commercial composting facility outside of Scarsdale to be recycled into compost. Scarsdale is proudly the first municipality in Westchester County to offer this service!

Recycling food scraps is easy! Here's how to do it:

First, collect your food scraps in a countertop pail. Although not required, you may line your pail with a compostable bag - please no plastic bags. Compostable bags are available for purchase at the Recycling Center office.

Second, since most residents will fill the countertop pail with food michellescraps a few times per times per week, it is suggested that residents have a larger bin to transfer food scraps into for weekly storage. This larger bin can also be used for transportation of the food scraps from your home to the Recycling Center. Anything that holds around 5-6 gallons and has a lid will work.

Third, bring your bin to the Food Scrap Recycling drop-off bins at the Scarsdale Recycling Center (110 Secor Road) to dispose of your food scraps as often as needed. The drop-off site is open during the Recycling Center hours of operation (Monday-Saturday 8am-3pm). There is no charge to drop off food scraps.

This service follows successful food scrap recycling programs that have been underway in the Scarsdale schools, several houses of worship and at local events for some time now. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this great new service.

To make getting started easy, food scrap collection "Starter Kits" can be requested by residents. A starter kit includes a small countertop pail, a larger storage and transportation bin and a roll of compostable liner bags for the pail. Residents can purchase a starter kit at the Scarsdale Recycling Center Office (110 Secor Road) or request one a at The kits cost $20. The starter kits are being provided by residents, this is not a Village of Scarsdale service.

ronMost importantly, start bringing your food scraps to the drop-off bins at the Scarsdale Recycling and help keep food scraps out of the trash!

Have questions or want to learn more? Please email [email protected]. You can also go to the Food Scrap Recycling link at for more information on the program including the lists of what is and isn't accepted in the food scrap drop-off bins.
