Thursday, Mar 27th

A Festive Celebration for Scarsdale Library

FOSLboardofdirectorsMembers of the Friends of the Scarsdale Library Board and Event Volunteers.Scarsdale Library supporters came together Friday night to party and play in the warm, wood-paneled ballrooms at the Fenway Golf Clubhouse, but the atmosphere was anything but subdued. Food and drink were in abundance; the DJ was loud and lively; the games were cool; the prizes were fabulous; and the dance floor was full! Over 400 guests turned out for the "Black, White and Read All Over" Casino night and enjoyed gambling, dinner and drinks, while celebrating with their Scarsdale friends.

Many marveled at the inter-generational mix in attendance that included both long-time residents and also those newer to town. FOSL President and Campaign Co-Chair, Dara Gruenberg, remarked that "the Library is a central gathering place for our community and inspires people to want to be a part of the transformation. We are finding that people from all generations and neighborhoods are energized about this project. They simply want to be involved." Event co-chairs Lori Harrison and To-dao Casey could not agree more. As she thanked the generous local business sponsors and the many event volunteers, Harrison said, "We are so lucky to live in such a wonderful community. It is such a highlight to see people from all over Scarsdale coming together to support this great cause." Both Casey and Harrison grew up locally and used the library as children and students, returning now with their own young families. Casey added, "I wanted to become involved with the Library because I have such a passion for it. Having grown up in Scarsdale, I have always been a big library user and I think that our Library, especially has so much to offer - - we just need to fully realize its potential."

Diane Greenwald, President of the Library Board of Trustees, expressed her gratitude on behalf of the Board, "The Library is critically enriched by the ongoing support provided by the Friends." Enjoying the vibe, she quipped, "We may be a sleepy hamlet and home of the lifelong learner, but tonight proves, we are book nerds who can party!"library3
Both Gruenberg and Greenwald acknowledged the support of the Village Trustees, whose trust and encouragement have enhanced efforts to bring Library improvements to the community with integrity and value. Greenwald went on to praise the dedication and detailed oversight provided by the Library Building Committee. And Gruenberg noted the contribution of yet another group of active volunteers, saying, "because of the work of our unbelievably talented Campaign Committee, to date, we have raised almost $6.5 million dollars towards our $7.5 million goal." Her announcement was met with enthusiastic cheers! Such giving is unprecedented in our Village.

As the family of volunteers' grows, so too increases the ways Scarsdale patrons can help the Campaign for Excellence reach its goal. Gruenberg announced the launch of the "Pave the Way" Campaign, where donors can purchase and personalize large pavers that will be set in the Library's plaza and walkway. "This is an opportunity to leave your legacy and mark on our beloved Library for generations to come."

The Friends certainly know how to throw a great party and, considering the success, Scarsdale can only hope they will consider making this gala an annual Scarsdale tradition! Jane Veron, Village Trustee and Liaison to the Library Board, summed it up, "This event was a huge community builder and tremendously positive statement for this exciting project." So, friends -- same time next year?

Dara Gruenberg and Diane Greenwald
darren roles the dice1
michelle and frank dancing
Ta-Dao Casey and Husband
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Library Update: The library Improvement Project seeks to transform the building into a modern center for the community now and for generations to come. The $17.9 M renovation and expansion project is funded by a public/private partnership. Having received a half a million-dollar grant from NYS to outfit the Library's temporary home at Supply Field, the Village broke ground this fall on the 'Library Loft;' and construction documents for the renovation and expansion are almost complete. After 8 careful years of planning and assuming ongoing success of the Capital Campaign, the Library is poised to move to the temporary space and begin construction Spring 2018. Visit the Library Website for more Information.

Photos by Margaret Fox Photography