Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale Bowl Committee Seeks Recommendations for 2020 Honoree

DSC09018Michelle Lichtenberg with 2016 Bowl Honoree Susie Rush.The 2020 Scarsdale Bowl Committee will begin work at its first official meeting on December 8th to select the 2020 recipient of the Scarsdale Bowl award and is seeking recommendations from the community for a possible honoree.

The Scarsdale Bowl, under the sponsorship of the Scarsdale Foundation, has been awarded annually since 1943 to an individual (or in exceptional cases to a husband and wife) who has given “unselfishly of their time, energy, and effort to the civic welfare of the community.” The founding donors of the Bowl believed that “many who serve generously and voluntarily, without office, honor, or publicity, are those deserving of having their names permanently inscribed on the Scarsdale Bowl.” The recipient must be a Scarsdale resident who does not currently hold elective office.

Nancy Michaels is serving as chair of this year’s Scarsdale Bowl Committee. Members of the committee serve a staggered two-year term. The members of the newly appointed class of 2021 are: Matthew Martin, Dana Matsushita, Jeff Robelen, Andrea Seiden, Janice Starr, and Amber Yusuf. The continuing class of 2020 includes Farley Baker, Karen Ceske, John Clapp, Dorothy Finger, Melpo Fite, Dara Gruenberg, and Bob Miller. Seth Ross, Scarsdale Foundation trustee, will serve on the committee as liaison, and Abby Sroka is continuing as the Committee’s secretary/treasurer. Randy Guggenheimer, president of the Scarsdale Foundation, is an ex officio, non-voting member.MichaelsNancy Michaels, Chair of the 2020 Scarsdale Bowl

The Scarsdale Bowl will be awarded at a dinner on Wednesday, April 22nd at 6:30 p.m. at Brae Burn Country Club in Purchase. The ceremony will pay tribute to the 2020 honoree and to the spirit of volunteerism, central to the civic life of Scarsdale and this year’s theme is “Shine On Scarsdale.”

The Bowl Committee welcomes community input for a possible honoree. Recommendations are requested by November 25th, but will be accepted any time before the December 8th meeting. Please contact Nancy Michaels at 725-8310 or [email protected] or any committee member. A nominee recommendation form can be accessed here