Thursday, Mar 20th

Vote in the CNC Election on Tuesday November 12th

CNCGraphicBelow find letters to the Editor from Madelaine Eppenstein and Eric Cheng

From Madelane Eppenstein
The nonpartisan Citizens Nominating Committee election will be held this Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at Village Hall from 7 AM to 9 PM, when Scarsdale voters turn out to vote for their neighbors who wish to participate in the work of the CNC.

Later this month the CNC’s 30 voting members will engage in a rigorous vetting process to nominate a slate of nonpartisan candidates for village offices, including three village board trustees and the village judge. Next year the slate will include a candidate for mayor and trustees. The School Board Nominating Committee has adopted a similar nonpartisan process. As the League of Women Voters Scarsdale says on its website: “The intention of Scarsdale's nonpartisan system is to attract the best possible people to run for school board, village trustee and mayor while minimizing electioneering, money, partisan politics and agenda-driven candidates. Scarsdale's nonpartisan system allows the focus to be on bettering our community, rather than on running costly campaigns.”

These are the candidates who are running for open seats on the CNC this year:


Qualified voters are welcome to vote regardless of their support for the nonpartisan process or political party affiliation. The village-wide election for the CNC’s nominees, and other candidates for village office who wish to run independently of the nonpartisan system, will be held later on, in spring 2020. For more information about the nonpartisan system and how it works, go to the Procedure Committee's website at

Madelaine Eppenstein, Autenrieth Road

(Member of the 2019 Procedure Committee that administers the CNC election: Stephen Baer, Daniel Brown, Eric Cheng, Chair, Marie DiPalma, Madelaine Eppenstein, Sarit Kessel Fuchs, Vice Chair, Dan Gerardi, Judy Wenjing Kerr, Jon Leslie, Matt Martin, Barry Meiselman, BK Munguia, ML Perlman, Andrew Sereysky, Gregory Soldatenko, Peter Tesler, Amber Yusef, and Anne Zink.)

From Eric Cheng

To the Editor: As a resident of Scarsdale of twenty years and the chair of the Procedure Committee, I want to express my appreciation to my fellow residents and committee members. Scarsdale is wonderful place to live and have a family because the residents believe in the community and are willing to volunteer their time to the community. The CNC election in November is a testament to that enthusiasm and belief in the system. Countless hours were spent by volunteers in the procedure committee in the six month preceding the November 12 election to ensure qualified candidates are put up for the CNC election. On the 12th, many of the same volunteers will be at the voting station to make sure the election is run smoothly and will stay after to ensure the final tally are counted accurately and reported in a timely manner. To honor the effort that these volunteers has put in for the CNC election, I cordially invite all Scarsdale voters to join us on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at the Village Hall from 7 AM to 9 PM to cast your vote.

For more information about the nonpartisan system and how it works, go to the Procedure Committee's website here

Eric Cheng, Continental Road