Notes from Our Mayor: Blood, Plasma and PPE Donations Needed: No Ornamental Planting for Now
- Thursday, 16 April 2020 10:23
- Last Updated: Thursday, 16 April 2020 10:33
- Published: Thursday, 16 April 2020 10:23
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2704
As recently stated by Fordham University President, Father McShane, we are in “a moment of peril and a moment of great goodness.”
I will start with the peril that we still face. We are beginning to hear that we reached the apex as well as hearing early discussions about easing the restrictions that have been somewhat successful in constraining the spread of the Coronavirus. It is still important for us to continue to be diligent to battle the virus as victory is not yet won. As Governor Cuomo expressed yesterday, “we are controlling the spread of the virus, [but] progress will be incremental.” He continued, “The worst is over, if we continue to be smart.”
Our path to normalcy may begin as early as next month, but this is a path, not an immediate resumption of regular activities. The pandemic will not be over until there is a proven vaccine. It is important that we continue to listen and follow instructions to protect against a relapse or second wave of infection. We have worked collectively to make real progress and our collective efforts will determine our course until an effective vaccine is available.
Moving on to the great goodness we have seen. The generosity of spirit that we have seen has been nothing short of extraordinary and is necessary to continue to save lives and help those in need. Please keep doing what you have done. I will now provide other ways in which we may help each other through this trying time.
Plasma and Blood Donations
People who have recovered from COVID-19 may have high levels of immunity in the form of antibodies. Their plasma can be used to help save the life of another struggling to survive. Please consider donating plasma if you have recovered from the Coronavirus. Mount Sinai and White Plains Hospital/Montefiore have regional locations that will be accepting plasma donations, and you may volunteer to have your blood tested for high levels of antibodies. If you are interested, please contact Mount Sinai or White Plains Hospital/Montefiore.
White Plains Hospital/Montefiore screening will take place at Scarsdale Medical Group’s office at 259 Heathcote Road.
Blood donations have been dramatically reduced due to social distancing and the cancellation of blood drives. Many people have asked me how they can help and this is a very straightforward way in which we all may contribute. Those interested in donating blood may reach out to: AABB (, America’s Blood Centers (, American Red Cross (, Armed Services Blood Program (, or Blood Centers of America ( Thank you to all who donate for your life saving generosity.
Needed PPE
There is real ongoing need for personal protective equipment (PPE) at medical centers and for first responders. Please consider donating any PPE you may be able to share with our first responders, including Scarsdale Police, Fire and Volunteer Ambulance Corps; White Plains Hospital; or other medical providers. Constituents may donate goods, services, or space to New York State’s response to the COVID- 19 public health emergency by emailing [email protected].
Mental Health and Mindfulness During Crisis
Governor Cuomo announced yesterday that New York State has partnered with Headspace to provide New Yorkers with free meditation and mindfulness resources. As the Governor’s announcement noted, “We can't underestimate the impact this public health crisis has on mental health. New Yorkers can access a collection of free guided meditations, along with at-home mindfulness exercises and additional resources to help address rising stress and anxiety. Visit”
New Yorkers may also call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling. New York State has been actively engaged in providing mental health resources to assist residents struggling during this highly unsettling time.
Health Insurance
New Yorkers without health insurance can apply through NY State of Health through May 15, 2020. Residents must apply within 60 days of losing health insurance coverage. New York State of Health may be accessed at
Village Budget Update
The Village will hold a public budget hearing this evening and must adopt its budget no later than May 1st to comply with NY State requirements. The filed tentative budget has been posted on the Village website and will be addressed at the budget hearing this evening.
The approach the Village has taken to manage its current fiscal and the FY 20-21 budgets is to: (i) identify near-term threats to revenues, (ii) prepare a downside analysis to identified revenue threats, (iii) identify primary sources to fill expected revenue gaps, and (iv) identify secondary sources to fill the downside revenue gaps. The Village Manager and Treasurer have accomplished these goals and the Village Board has supported staff’s recommended approach to manage this time of economic strain.
The Village Board has stated that it is seeking to make thoughtful and responsible adjustments to the FY 20-21 budget based on data that becomes clearer over the coming weeks and months. The Village will also continue to search for ways to recognize the financial strain that many residents are dealing with at this time.
Social Distancing
Please be diligent in social distancing when outside of the home. Governor Cuomo announced the state is increasing the maximum fine for violations of the state's social distancing protocol from $500 to $1,000 to help address the lack of adherence to the protocols.
It is critical for management of the pandemic that we strictly adhere to social distancing – for our own benefit and for our friends and neighbors, especially those who are most at risk. Also, inform your children of the importance of social distancing. Thank you for your diligence – whether on line at a store or walking. It is up to each of us.
New York State has clarified guidance on landscaping. Please note that only work which is “for maintenance and pest control purposes has been designated as essential.” Therefore, please have your landscapers refrain from planting decorative plants – though you are welcome to do so yourself.
Leaf Blowing
I would like to remind all residents that the local leaf blowing ban goes into effect on June 1st. Please be sure to limit use of gas-powered leaf blowers starting in June.
A number of people have asked whether leaf blowers may spread Coronavirus. To date, the NYS Department of Health has not issued any guidance that indicates that the virus may be spread by leaf blowers. Should the NYS Department of Health issue guidance that may link leaf blower use to the spread of the virus, the Village will immediately accelerate its ban on the use of leaf blowers.
The Census is underway. Participation in the census is important as federal dollars are allocated based on census data. I was informed yesterday that Scarsdale’s participation rate so far is strong with over 60% of residents submitting census surveys so far. For those that haven’t yet completed their census surveys, please do so. Thank you.
Concluding Remarks
The Village remains committed to providing essential services and preparing for the difficult weeks ahead as well as the time in the not too distant future when we return to a new normalcy that is rooted in the past while incorporating learnings from the current adjustments we are all making.
While I know the uncertainty of the weeks ahead weigh heavy on residents’ minds and hearts, we must continue to have hope and take comfort in the strength of our community and its resilience. Reach out to neighbors and friends to say hello and just connect. Together we will face this and together we will overcome the adversity. We need each other more than ever and while we cannot be together we can be “together apart”. Be well and please stay home.