Thursday, Mar 13th

Bake Back America Pays It Forward

backbackemsThe Subin family of Scarsdale has been anything but bored during this crisis. In fact, they are practically in a frenzy of activity ---performing hundreds of acts of kindness during this difficult time. It all began with baking – when SHS sophomore Brianna Subin decided to bake some cookies to thank the local police department. Not satisfied with baked items, she realized she could organize others to provide lunch for all of Scarsdale’s police, fire, ambulance workers and pharmacies. And then, it expanded beyond food – to gift cards, clothing and toys for those in need here in Westchester and beyond.

Explaining this ambitious venture Brianna says, "During COVID-19 our family wanted to give back by baking snacks for those who serve and are in need. The concept quickly grew to inspire others to donate in many different ways, including ordering restaurant meals, making cards and gifts."

Soon the whole family got involved. Mom Melissa, a former tennis professional, is in charge of business development, her sister Melanie is in charge of fulfilling the orders and sponsorships. Brianna’s brother, 13 year-old Benji Subin, helps out with merchandising, baking and assisted in the development of the website. Father Herb Subin, a personal injury attorney, is baking, handling the finances and social media.

The mission of Bake Back America, Heroes Helping Heroes, is to serve as a fulfillment center and clearinghouse for those who wish to give back to the people who are fighting the Corona crisis. Contributors can give in a variety of ways: they can simply donate money which will be used to fund and deliver meals to a selected organization or they can bake themselves and work with BakeBackAmerica to get their donations to the right place. Restaurants with excess food can also contact BakeBackAmerica to deliver meals to those in need.

In the past few weeks their work has grown exponentially. They have delivered over 6,000 meals, baked goods, PPE, creative cards and beaded bracelets to key cities throughout the country with a concentration in New York City and the suburbs. They have also done deliveries in other hard-hit states like Washington, Michigan, Florida, NJ, CT and are expanding daily.bakebackrecipients

Several families are working with teachers of children with second to seventh grade classrooms to bake and make bracelets and cards.

Beyond baked goods and lunch, BakeBackAmerica has asked Scarsdale residents to clean out their closets and donate clothes, games and toys to families in need. Bake Back America will be doing pick-ups throughout the week in Scarsdale and will send these donations along with baked goods and bracelets and cards to the 175 people at the Coachmen Family Shelter in White Plains this coming weekend. Top of the Line Drapery will contribute 500 masks for the shelter, McDonalds in Hartsdale will contribute 200 meals, the White Plains Fire Department will bring a fire truck for kids to see from their rooms and Meredith Grossbach is spearheading the baking and beading for the weekend event.

In addition, Scarsdale Firefighters will be delivering masks provided by Bake Back America to elderly homebound or underprivileged residents. Take a look at the impressive list of recipients here

One grateful pharmacist wrote,

Yesterday, the pharmacy department received a food donation and we are so grateful for that. It means a lot during this pandemic that we have patients who do think of us and appreciate what we are doing for the community. I know you also mentioned that you were donating supplies and food for other organizations and front line workers so thank you for that as well, you are doing an amazing deed for the entire community. We cannot thank you enough for the meal you provided for us! Everything was delicious!"

Gina Lee, RPh, Doctor of Pharmacy

BriannaSubinBrianna SubinThe family is invigorated by the work, and through it, they are teaching their kids and volunteers to develop empathy, to be organized, set priorities and realize the rewards of giving to others.

If you are interested in giving funds or getting involved, visit to see how you can donate, or bake or perform other acts of kindness for your community.

The Subin family is busy paying it forward and would love more volunteers, donations, and food from individuals or corporations. To get started, click here or email

BenjiSubinBenji Subin
