Sammy and Henry: Pets of the Week
- Sunday, 05 March 2023 10:50
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 14 March 2023 10:01
- Published: Sunday, 05 March 2023 10:50
- Katy Goldman
- Hits: 1223
Sammy and Henry Kimpler are an adorable cat and dog duo in Fox Meadow. Sammy, the Kimpler's sweet cat, turns 15 this month. Her mom, Ali, adopted her in Chicago in 2008 and she has been Ali's best friend ever since. She enjoys napping in sunbeams (or under blankets when it's raining), cuddling on laps, being pet, and sneaking leftover people food wherever she can find it. One time she ate an entire stick of butter, so the Kimplers don't leave that out anymore! She dislikes taking her medicine and car rides. Other people may think that they have the best cat, but they know they really do! Sammy is wonderful with her younger human siblings Owen (8), Ethan (6) and Charlotte (2), and has never bitten or scratched them, even when they probably deserved it!!
Henry is a 10 year-old Wheaten Terrier, and he is his dad Kyle's best friend. He's also a Terrier all the way through and views commands as more of suggestions. His favorite things are barking at people that walk by on the street, playing in the snow, and going on hikes. But mostly he is a lazy boy and wants to just lie around. Henry absolutely loves people and if you ever come to the Kimpler house, you will need to greet him or he won't leave you alone! He also loves to get into trouble, usually by chewing up toys. But he has also been known to eat the Kimpler's rugs and once ate the lining underneath their couch! (He needed surgery to fix that little oopsie.) He is very gentle with the kids though, and even lets them walk him on the leash (even Charlotte!).
Both Sammy and Henry are very special and important to the Kimplers and they love them so much!