Wednesday, Oct 23rd

Tax Penalty Refund Bill Passes NYS Assembly and Senate and Awaits the Governor's Signature

homeruleNew York State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin passed 41 two-house bills during the 2024 legislative session which just ended on June 6 making her once again the leading bill-passer in the NYS Assembly. Of particular significance to the Village of Scarsdale is Paulin’s bill which permits the Village of Scarsdale to give refunds of tax penalties charged to residents as a result of late tax payments made last year.

Assemblywoman Paulin drafted the bill and coordinated with State Senator Shelley Mayer to propose the same bill in the State Senate. “After Mayor Arest learned what happened, he approached me right away to figure out a way to help Scarsdale residents who had been assessed tax penalties,” said Assemblywoman Amy Paulin. “I appreciate having someone as diligent and thoughtful as Justin to work with at the local level. The Scarsdale Village Board of Trustees needed to pass a Home Rule resolution which would allow my bill to be passed. They did so right away which gave me more time to get the bill through the Assembly. Even bills which seem non-controversial still take time and effort to pass.”

Now that the bill has passed in both the Assembly and Senate, it goes to the Governor who will have until December 31 to sign it into law.

“Whether through my local office or by passing legislation in Albany, I always strive to help and be responsive to my constituents” said Paulin. “I was pleased to be able to support Scarsdale by passing this bill.”

Paulin on AssemblyFloor