Thursday, Mar 20th

Pet of the Week: Smiley Miley

FieldstonGirlsMeet Miley Fieldston, a 14 year-old Havanese who was born in Queens on January 25th 2008. She is an energetic dog who spends her days barking at squirrels and her fellow Murdoch Woods neighborhood dog friends. She usually follows her barking adventures with a nice long nap while waiting for her three younger sisters, Kayla (12), Samara (10) and Skylar (8) to get home from school. She loves to pose for family pictures (often sneaking her way in the back of them). Her favorite foods are American cheese, turkey and challah! In the evenings you can find Miley watching TV and snuggling with her family on the couch. Miley has many nicknames including Shmie Pie, Milita and the little Schwave. The Fieldstons are so lucky to have Miley as part of their family!
