Thursday, Mar 20th

Bailey the Bernedoodle

Bailey1Meet Bailey, a tri-color bernedoodle who is 2 years old. Bailey loves to run around, play with her many toys and most of all hang out with people. Bailey was born in Indiana on a farm until she was flown out to New York to join the Lichtenstein family. Bailey loves going on hikes and sniffing every little thing along the way. Her favorite things to do throughout the day are taking walks and playing with her brothers, Aaron, Eli and Sam. When it comes to food Bailey knows exactly what she has to do to get her treats. She loves attention from anybody she sees but when it comes to dogs it can safely be said that she is not the biggest fan.

BaileywithBoysBailey loves the outdoors, taking walks and running around the backyard. She takes walks almost everyday with her mom or dad and just loves them. Bailey loves her family, and they can’t remember life without her.