A School Graduates 28 Students in a Ceremony Led by their Peers
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- Written by Wendy MacMillan
- Hits: 2537
Master of Ceremonies Sophie HoffmanThe Scarsdale Alternative School (SAS), created in 1972 by students, teachers, and administrators as an experimental program within Scarsdale High School, is an incredible program that affords mainstream students a greater voice in their education and welcomes them to an unparalleled learning community. In addition to their academic and intellectual development, the SAS community strives to promote students’ social, civic, and moral development by establishing a workable, democratic school governance system. Though SAS maintains the high level of academic achievement and excellence for which Scarsdale is known, students and teachers learn to work together toward agreed upon goals, and to create a culture that emphasizes cooperation in hopes of eliminating the more destructive forms of competition.
This strong sense of cooperation and working together for the good of the community, was on full display at the beautiful SAS graduation ceremony on Friday June 14th. The intimate celebration of 28 graduating seniors, was organized by sophomore students and Graduation Heads, Jacob Dallal and Sam Weston. The duo also had support from the other SAS sophomores and juniors who pitched in to buy flowers, decorate, and to help set-up for the meaningful event.
In addition to being organized by students, the Master of Ceremonies for the evening was senior Sophie Hoffman. Hoffman not only kept the flow of the event moving along nicely, with her natural stage presence and charming humor, she was the star of the show. Her brief introductions of each of the SAS advisors, were sweet, personable, and served to remind the audience just how tight-knit of a community the A-School is. In her remarks, SAS teacher Fallon Plunkett thanked Hoffman for running the day’s event, relating that she had “the perfect balance of humor and sincerity for the job.”Tyler Hughson won the Jean Award
Though Hoffman certainly made an impression, with their speeches about each of the seniors in their advisory groups, the SAS teachers often left the families in the audience smiling through their tears. Their detailed remarks demonstrated just how well they get to know each of the graduates not only as students, but as people with differing talents, passions, and dreams.
While each senior was recognized for their contributions to the SAS community, three students were further acknowledged with a distinctive A-School award. In true SAS fashion, the first award, the Jeanne Award, recognized a senior who best embodies the A-School values of integrity, empathy and service. This year that award was given to Tyler Hughson.
Ava Shandler won the Jen AwardThe Jen Award which celebrates the student who works behind the scenes to better the community, was awarded to Ava Shandler.
And the last award of the evening, the Senior Project Award which honors the best senior project, was bestowed upon Emilia Gomez.
In her opening remarks, Plunkett also thanked the Senior Speaker of the night, Jade D’Agostino, saying that her “passion, voice and inclusive nature embody so much of what the A-School values.” These qualities shown through in D’Agostino’s heartfelt speech which highlighted that the A-School community is a community of care. Her touching reflections, delivered with grace and sincerity, didn’t leave a dry eye in the house.
Emilia Gomez won the Senior Project Award
Senior Speaker Jade D'Agostino
Sign Up for July 4th Celebrations in Arthur Manor and Greenacres
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 787
Two neighborhood associations are planning their July 4th celebrations and looking for volunteers. Here’s how to get involved:
Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association
The Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association will hold its 96th Annual July 4th parade and ceremony on Thursday, July 4th. The lineup for the parade will begin at 9:15 am at the corner of Bell and Sprague Roads and the parade will start promptly at 9:45 am. The parade will then march down Sprague Road, turn left at Lyons Road, and then proceed to Davis Park. Children interested in participating in the parade can dress in patriotic costume or decorate their bicycles, tricycles, wagons or strollers. Pets are also encouraged to dress in patriotic costumes. The celebration continues at Davis Park with a ceremony, comments from Village officials, and awards for parade participants in all of the traditional parade categories. Following the ceremony, the Association will hold the annual field games – including the egg toss at the end! Hot dogs, bottled water and other food and refreshments will be available for purchase. The Association encourages everyone to come out this year and celebrate the 4th of July by showing your patriotic colors! Please contact Matt Martin at [email protected] or (917) 697-2747 if you would like to help out with this year’s festivities.
Greenacres Neighborhood Association
The Greenacres Neighborhood Association invites Greenacres residents to the 4th of July Celebration at the Greenacres Field on Thursday, 7/4 from 9am - 12pm
Schedule of events:
9:00 am - Breakfast with Friends and Neighbors
9:30 am - Games Begin (activities for all ages)
11:15 am - Patriotic Program
11:30 am - Greenacres Gallop & Super-Soaking Fire Hose
(bring your bathing suits!)
They can't do this without you! Please volunteer below - adults and teenagers welcome to help!
Volunteer here!
Scarsdale Music Festival - THIS Saturday in Scarsdale Village
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1746
The Scarsdale Music Festival will take place rain or shine this Saturday, June 01, from 12-6 PM. This marquee community event features live music, food, and fun for all ages! Abundant Free Parking will be available during the event in the Freightway Garage and its adjoining outdoor parking lot, as well as in the lower two levels of the Christie Place Garage.
Scarsdale Music Festival (SMF) is an exceptional, family-friendly community event that brings together thousands of people of all ages to celebrate their love of music, food, and community.
Bands from Scarsdale and the greater Tri-State Area will perform throughout the day on two main stages as well as an acoustic stage.
Food trucks and other food vendors will offer a selection of sweet and savory items.
This year’s Grand Tasting Village will feature elite wines from around the world, specialty cocktails, and food pairings. In addition, guests 21+ can also purchase beer and wine by the glass.
The Family Fun Zone will feature carnival games, face painters, arts and crafts, musical demonstrations, DIY and STEAM activities, sports, inflatables, and more!
Plan to attend on Saturday and check out their website for details here: https://www.scarsdalemusicfestival.com
Instructions for Tax Grievance Day on June 18, 2024
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 761
Do you think your home is over assessed? Here’s your chance to have your real estate tax bill reconsidered. Grievance Day is June 18, 2024 in Scarsdale and Greenburgh and here’s how you can file an application to have your assessment reviewed by the Board of Assessment Review.
The following information can also be found on the Village website at Scarsdale.com.
The link to the Legal Notice and 2024 Tentative Assessment Roll is published on the home page of the Scarsdale website (https://www.scarsdale.com/).
In addition, everything anyone wants to know regarding “Challenging your assessment” is on the Assessor’s page.
Village Assessor Victoria Sirota explains, “We have an open-door policy and encourage residents to ask us questions regarding their assessments. We will be happy to review their assessments and answer questions. If residents think they are over assessed, we’ve created an on-line grievance application which can be found on this web-page. We encourage residents to use this portal to submit their grievance applications and documentation supporting the “value of their property." We encourage residents to call the Assessor’s Office Monday through Friday during regular business hours at 914-722-1134 or e-mail us at [email protected] with any questions."
The deadline for submitting a grievance application is Tuesday, June 18th at 8 pm.
In Greenburgh the process is similar. Here is a note from Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner outlining the process:
Earlier this week residents of Greenburgh and the villages within Greenburgh received their updated assessments. If you would like further explanation regarding your assessment, please visit our website (www.greenburghny.com) and on the main page, click on the tab about reassessment or contact the assessment department at 914-989-1520. The office is open Monday through Friday during regular business hours.
Here are some links:
An explanation is on the bottom of the front page of our town website.
Along with a map of all the sales on the GIS link