Friday, Mar 14th

Are Village Penalties Out of Whack?

moneyDear Scarsdale10583: Though I love living in Scarsdale, lately I feel that the Village is waiting to fine me excessively for minor offenses.

For the past 20 years, workmen and handymen have parked on the street in front of our home while they worked. However, in the past two months we have received three $30 tickets for parking next to our own front walk. The other morning we pulled the car up in front our house to load it for a big trip – and minutes later a policemen appeared and told us we were to be fined for parking in the wrong direction, as the front of the car was facing the wrong way.

And these fines are not limited to parking at home. Last week I was in the Village and parked on Chase meterRoad in front of the Christie Place Sales Office. I put money in the meter but later found out that one could only park there after 3 PM and was given a ticket. Why is this necessary when construction on Christie Place was completed long ago and the office appeared to be closed. I later found out that three of my daughters friends received parking tickets in the village that same day.

Two friends have told me stories of outrageous fines they received for violating the 15 MPH speed limit in front of the Scarsdale Middle School. One friend was stopped for speeding on a Jewish holiday when the school was closed. He was travelling 40 mph and paid a $400 fine.

Now there’s a new fee to pay. If you violate the watering restrictions, you are subject to a fine of $250 per day. And if you cut down a tree on your own property without a permit, you’ll be assessed $250 per tree; no matter what danger the tree poses to you or your home. And pity the poor landscapers … $100 - $200 fees for using a leaf blower? Where will this end?

Frustrated Taxpayer