Students and Parents Ask BOE to Keep Non-Sanctioned Sports
- Details
- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 482
The specter of the elimination of three non-sanctioned sports from the athletic program at Scarsdale High School brought a defense from students and parents. At the Board of Education meeting on February 3, 2025 there were comments about a proposal to eliminate crew, squash and fencing. Students waited almost two hours to speak at the meeting which followed a budget study session.
Kabir Bhalija said, “I am a member of Scarsdale and PCRA rowing teams. There is a misconception that top team members were asked to stay behind for a scholastic event – we were given a choice to do that or go to nationals.” “He continued, “There was no boys Scarsdale coach – there is just one Scarsdale coach. All coaching is received by PCRA… A lot of Scarsdale rowers go on to do great things – something really special. Rowing is every single season including summer. It is a big part of our lives.”
Matthew Bodner, a senior and member of PCRA club said, “Rowing has given students the opportunity to get recruited to top universities. My life has changed thanks to the opportunity to row.”
Dafna Erenstein said, “I am speaking for the girls – most of us started last year as freshman. We have grown as people. It teaches you valuable lessons – community and team building….You are rowing yourself but also teambuilding… In just a year and a half this has been lifesaving and lifechanging.”
Anya Ahuja said she is a sophomore who joined the squash team a year and a half ago. She said, “This is my first team sport – why are we considering cutting these three sports? If everyone can play a sport that they love, why can’t I and everyone else on the team? We have gone to every practice and every match and shown so much dedication. The team is growing in so many positive ways and just needs more time. This team has already affected by life emotionally, socially and physically. It has given me connections to other people in my culture in all grades. I hope you consider keeping this for everyone who plays.”
Her father Sameer Ahuja spoke next. He said he was also a member of the Village Board and leads Game Changer a sport streaming platform. He said, “The presentation felt like a foregone conclusion. We could go through and assign costs to every sport. As a resident and tax payer I ask for you to say the real message. Don’t tell the kids it’s because they are not showing up. The bus experience is terrible. Present the facts as they are.
Here are some reasons why you should keep these sports going.
-They are opportunities for equitable access and inclusivity for those who don’t gravitate toward popular sports.
-They are unique pathways to college.
-They are small teams with personalized coaching. A coach can change a person’s life.
-It costs money but it’s worth it.
He continued, “Some of these sports have just gotten going. We should invest in the future. Sports participation is the US is flat. So if we believe in sports, we should think about ways of improving participation. Niiche sports are just one way of doing that.”
Sima Ahuja, Anya’s mother spoke next. She said, “This is my first Board of Education meeting. When I was growing up sports were discouraged for girls. My immigrant parents did not understand sports. Sameer introduced Anya to the sport and we are so happy when we learned that the high school had started a team. The profile of the students who are on these teams represent a diverse group. Taking away that outlet would take away from the diversity of student experience that we care about here. I deeply believe in what athletics does for the community. Please do the right thing, do an analysis and speak to all the constituencies.”
Alex Scharf of 80 Wheelock Road said he raced in two crew boats named for Scarsdale students who passed away, Brian Lilly and Tyler Madoff. He said, “Scarsdale crew has helped me find myself.” He said he looked forward to the bus rides to practice where he bonded with other teammates. “Scarsdale crew has meant the world to me and helped me find out who I am. I want to give others the same opportunity.”
Moira Crouch said she was there to support crew as a crew parent. She said, “Crew is a sport that the district could never afford to do itself due to the cost of the boats which is $30 -$50,000.” She said, “It’s a nurturing environment as a freshman. It’s a lot of bang for your buck. It has such an impact on these kids.”
Tara and Jeffrey Scharf of 8 Wheelock Road said, “We had a choice of crew programs in the area and PCRA’s association with the Scarsdale Schools was important…. Being an athlete for the school is crucial… Crew brings male and female athletes together, even on the same boat... They learn to work together… The district offers excellence across the board. Offering sports that are not the money-making sports allow students to develop and be different. I would encourage you to brainstorm to keep these sports for future generations of students.”
Shirley Dugan echoed other comments about crew. She said it has been a transformative experience for her daughter. She noted the “camaraderie, team spirit and the coming together.” She said, “It has given her a great feeling of accomplishment.” “It is a close-knit community that we have not experienced here…. The kids are very committed to it. “It has elevated her self confidence and her sense of belonging."
In other public comments, Lena Yang from 22 Farrugut Road spoke as a representative of “Guardians of the Heart” in favor of including CPR training at Scarsdale High School.
Claudine Gecel of 10 Kent Road discussed the increase in healthcare costs and suggested that the district should look into working with a re-insurance company that insures “special risks.”
Other Board Business
Legal Update
Superintendent Drew Patrick announced that the Board of Education is being asked to approve a settlement brought as a result of the extension of the Child Victims Act in 2019. The case dates back to the 1970’s and does not involve any personnel employed in the Scarsdale School system in over 35 years.
Bond and Capital Project Planning
Superintendent Drew Patrick announced the formation of a facilities committee to develop a list of priorities for capital projects to be funded by the upcoming bond offering to be voted on in a referendum in 2026. The committee will be composed of members of the Board of Education, administration, teachers, parents, community, a student, architect/engineers and the construction management team. The PTA’s may lead the parent selection process and the community can apply to participate on the committee directly to the administration. A comprehensive facilities study will be done by BBS to assess the state of the buildings.
District Calendar
The Board adopted the following calendar for the 2025-26 school year.
Village Trustees Ask Architects to Provide Schematics for an Indoor-Outdoor Pool Complex
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2123
Will Scarsdale build an indoor pool? After years of surveys, community feedback and public forums that was the question before the Scarsdale Board of Trustees at a work session on January 28, 2025. The time had come to move to schematic designs of the new facility to replace the obsolete pool complex that is overdue for an overhaul.
Before “diving in” to the four programmatic options, Village Trustee Karen Brew reviewed a summary of the most frequently heard public comments:
-The pool is a valued recreational hub and a community asset.
-Opinions were evenly divided between a year-round facility and maintaining the current set up.
-Requests for essential upgrade include better heating, improved filtration and enhanced accessibility.
-There was concern about pool shapes – i.e. dolphin design and their impact on functionality, safety and maintenance costs.
-Enhance the pools appeal with multipurpose spaces, recreational features and family-friendly amenities.
-Align project costs with realistic expectations, reduce non-essential features and ensure transparency in budgeting.
-Concerns about long term tax implications and financial sustainability.
-Membership decline attributed to competition from private pools and demographic shifts.
After a meeting of the Village working group on the pool with architects Lothrop Associates in December, the group came up with four options for programmatic plans. These were presented to the trustees on Tuesday night so that they could select one and then move to schematic designs. From there, cost estimates can be done.
The four options range from the most bare bones to an indoor/outdoor pool facility with enhancements.
Take a look at each one and preliminary cost estimates:
Program 1 includes a full indoor pool complex, 3 additional season pools, a splash pad, expanded and enhanced bath house facilities, community spaces, food service and other amenities. Estimate cost: $53mm.
Program 1a is the same as Program 1 without the indoor pool. It has 3 pools and splash pad, upgraded bathhouses and multipurpose rooms. The lap lanes and diving area will be in the main pool. Estimated cost: $38 mm.
Program 2 proposes to rebuild the existing complex as it is sited today. Everything would be built to code but there would be no enhancements or expansions. Estimated cost: $31mm.
Program 3 is for just one pool with no children’s pools. Bath houses would be rebuilt but there would be no additional amenities. There would be no community space. Estimated cost: $26 mm.
What would the indoor pool look like during the summer months? Architects explained that in the summer the natatorium would be designed to be as open as possible. There would be sliding walls and at least one side would be completely open in the summer. Panels could be removed to allow people to go inside and outside. And in case of rain in the summer, swimmers could still use the facility. See the photo on top of a natatorium at Mt. Airy Lodge in Pennsylvania.
How would it be financed? The buildings and locker rooms could be funded by issuing 30 year bonds while the pools would be paid for through the sale of 20 year bonds. The Village will provide more refined numbers once they have cost estimates based on the schematic designs.
Board members were polled on their preference for which option to select:
Mayor Justin Arest said, “I think from all the data and feedback there is a desire to do Program 1. We have to run the numbers. Right now I am not comfortable with the 20 year numbers. And we do have a lot of other needs …. I am comfortable with $37 mm – but I prefer to go ahead with Program 1 hoping we get donations or funds from a public private partnership.” He added, “We could also build it without the indoor pool and leave room for it. Let’s move forward with Program 1 and the option to move to 1A. We could phase the building of the indoor pool.” He added, “Some people thought it didn’t make sense to spend $38 million for an outdoor pool that is only used for 3 months. The town was evenly split on indoor vs. outdoor.”
Deputy Mayor Dara Gruenberg said, “I struggle with spending so much money for a three-month facility. If we were building this today I think we would build an indoor/outdoor pool that people can use 12 months a year. If we do design Program 1 we can go with this or just build the outdoor portion. It allows us to get refined costs and a design that the community can review.”
Karen Brew agreed, saying “Spending $38 mm for three months a year is a lot. With creative bonding I am hopeful we could make this (Program 1) work.”
Trustee Jeremy Gans said, “I am skeptical of true community demand for a year-round facility. But $38 mm is a lot for a 3 month facility so I think we should design Program 1 and we can scale it back if we decide not to move forward with the indoor pool.” Gans also favored building some irregular shaped pools to align with the contours of the property.
Trustee Sameer Ahuja said, “I favor Program 1, but I will not be voting on any of this. (His term expires in March.) We need to be thinking about making the kids happy. This is a town. Our property is worth $10 billion. A great facility will improve our properties even more. Remember why we are doing this. It will be a nationally recognized facility in a nationally recognized town.”
Karen Brew said, “the seniors also want it,” and Gruenberg said, “the seniors want to be able to swim at a Scarsdale facility.”
Mayor Arest said, “I think we have consensus to move forward with Program 1.”
Asked about next steps, the architect explained, “Schematic design will give us dimensions, layouts, elevations, and views from different angles. We will have actual measurements for our cost estimates. Next we will select materials. Then we will go into construction documents – for further refinement. When we have the schematics, we will need to decide between Program 1 and Program 1A.”
Village Manager Alex Marshall said, “Once we have the schematic, we can present it to the Health Department and they will tell us how many people we will need to run it. We can also look into management companies to run the pool.”Wilson and Sons donated a new clock to Scarsdale Village.
Paul Zaicek, the Director of Capital Projects for the Village said, “We might lose two summers – we don’t know yet. We might be able to phase it to have some of the pools open.”
In other business, earlier at the work session, the Board heard a budget request from the Scarsdale Business Alliance for $20,000 to organize and execute robust Sunday activations including the farmer’s market, live music in the Village, family fun activities, pet events and more.
And at the Village Board meeting that followed, the Mayor opened by acknowledging Holocaust Remembrance Day and the celebration of the Lunar New Year for the Year of the Snake.
Village Manager Alex Marshall reminded residents that the second payment of their school taxes is due no later than January 31. She said taxes could be paid in person at Village Hall, online or by mail.
Trustees approved a resolution for $14,000 for a fire alarm upgrade at the Supply Field building to be done by Scarsdale Security.
Another resolution was approved for 46 Lincoln Road where two lots have been subdivided into three lots. The contractor is replacing an underground drainage pipe with a new pipe and the resolution calls for the new property owners to clean and maintain the drainage pipe. If they fail to do so, the Village can do the work and charge it back to the owners.
Trustee accepted a gift of a four-sided Verdun manufactured clock, including maintenance andinstallation from Wilson and Sons Jewelers to be placed on East Parkway in the Village Center. The existing clock will be moved to Depot Place. The new clock was donated in honor of Wilson and Sons 120th year in business.
Trustees approved the scheduling of the annual 15K and 4-mile road race to be held on Sunday April 6 through Fox Meadow and Greenacres.
Lovers Diamonds Opens on Garth Road
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1468
Three generations of the Mehta family along with Scarsdale’s Mayor, Village Manager and Village Trustees were on hand to celebrate the opening of Lovers Diamonds at 14 Garth Road in Scarsdale on the evening of Monday December 9th.
The jewelry store features lab-grown diamonds that can be custom ordered in all shapes and sizes to fit into a wide array of settings in platinum, gold or rose gold. Because the diamonds are fabricated, you can envision and custom design a ring or a piece of jewelry to your specifications.
According to owner Pravin Mehta, “Our goal at Lover's Diamond is clear: to offer high-quality, exquisitely designed natural and lab-grown diamond jewelry at competitive prices. We strive to ensure that neither jewelry exchanges nor online retailers can match the value we provide.”
The attractive store is decorated with the paintings of Pratibha, enhancing the décor. In addition to selling diamonds, they also offer full line of top branded perfumes and fragrances.
Lover*s Diamond offers a free 14K gold setting with the purchase of a one carat diamond for $499 and is also offering a free $100 jewelry repair with the purchase of exquisite jewelry for $1000.
You’re invited to stop by:
Lovers Diamonds
14 Garth Road,
Scarsdale, NY10583
Here are comments written by owner Pravin Mehta and read by his grandson Viraj Mehta at the opening:
It is an immense honor for me and my family to have you preside over this Grand Opening Ceremony. Your presence adds profound significance to this event, and for that, we are deeply grateful.Mayor Justin Arest shakes hands with Pravin Mehta.Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of two visionary women: Puja Mehta, born in the era following the Vietnam War, and Malti Mehta, whose life began amidst the tumult of the Second World War. These women embody the transformative changes and renaissances that have shaped our world over decades.
Diamonds, the rarest and most brilliant of nature's creations, are the result of cataclysmic geological changes that took place millions of years ago. Across generations, humanity has revered their rarity and beauty, immortalizing them in poetry and song. To Malti's generation, diamonds were sacred and divine-a gem fit for queens and brides. They expressed this reverence through words like: "Diamonds are forever."
Fast forward to Puja's era-a time of scientific ingenuity and innovation. The development of lab-grown diamonds using high pressure, high temperature (HPHT), and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is one of humanity's most remarkable achievements. Yet, despite the technological triumph, much of the industry failed to capture the essence of love and romance inherent in diamonds.
Puja, however, redefined this narrative. She introduced Lover's Diamonds-diamonds grown lovingly, with care and passion. These diamonds symbolize a new universe of love, encompassing:
- Art Lover's Diamonds
- Music Lover's Diamonds
- Environment Lover's Diamonds
In her vision, the first "lover" was born when Adam took a bite of a freshly plucked apple, representing the boundless connections diamonds can embody. This revolutionary concept led to the creation of Lover's Diamond, a name Puja has generously made available to all producers, manufacturers, and distributors of lab-grown diamonds.
The mission of Lover's Diamond is to create everyday jewelry-elegant, versatile pieces crafted from exquisite diamonds in all shapes and colors. These jewels are designed to enhance the beauty and glamour of women around the world.
While building this fine jewelry project, we were inspired by the legacy of Harry Winston, a Scarsdale native and one of the world's most renowned jewelers. His unparalleled contributions to the world of jewelry are immortalized with his statue in Winston Park, a constant source of inspiration for us.
Another individual who deserves recognition is Pratibha-a CPA and a gifted painter whose artwork has captured the attention of influential critics worldwide. We are proud to say that Lover's Diamond is not just a jewelry store; it also doubles as an art gallery, showcasing Pratibha's extraordinary creations.
Our goal at Lover's Diamond is clear: to offer high-quality, exquisitely designed natural and lab-grown diamond jewelry at competitive prices. We strive to ensure that neither jewelry exchanges nor online retailers can match the value we provide.This is not just a story about diamonds; it is a story of two extraordinary women, Malti and Puja, and their shared vision of creating something truly exceptional-a jewelry store that celebrates love, beauty, and ingenuity.
Thank you.
Become a Lover's Diamond Ambassador
Join our Marketing and Sales Team as a Lover*s Diamond Ambassador and unlock exciting opportunities with profit-sharing benefits!
About Us:
We offer an exceptional range of products:
• Lover*s Diamonds: Lab-grown diamonds and fine jewelry.
• Diamond Days: Natural (mined) diamonds and luxury jewelry.
• Danish Design & Jacob Jensen Watches: Iconic Scandinavian craftsmanship.
• Lover*s Fragrances: Premium perfumes from top global brands.
Why Join?
This freelance role empowers you to develop a lucrative additional income stream by sharing your passion for luxury and elegance.
Profit Example (Fine Jewelry):
• Average Retail Price: $10,000
• Gross Profit (30% Margin): $3,000
• Net Profit (after $1,000 expenses): $2,000
• Your Share (30%): $600 per sale
What You’ll Gain:
• Be part of an empowering community of Ambassadors.
• Represent products that embody beauty, sophistication, and sustainability.
• Use our tagline: “Diamond Days are Happy Days.”
Take the first step toward a sparkling future with Lover*s Diamond.
Interested? Contact Please contact: Pravin Mehta at 914-433-8618 or by email:[email protected]
The Scarsdale Foundation Announces the 2025 Scarsdale Bowl Award Winner, Andrew Sereysky; the Spotlight Honor Goes to Scarsdale Adult School
- Details
- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1965
Scarsdale Bowl Co-Chairs Marc and Cynthia Samwick greeted Sereysky at his door.Andrew Sereysky is the 2025 recipient of the venerated Scarsdale Bowl, awarded annually since 1943 to those who have “given unselfishly of time, energy, and effort to the civic welfare of the community.”
The Scarsdale Foundation also continued its new tradition of honoring either an individual or an organization who has made a tangible difference in the community’s quality of life in one specific area. The Spotlight Award, established in 2023, goes to Scarsdale Adult School for its 87 year tradition of building community through life-long learning.
The Bowl Committee, a diverse group of 16 community volunteers representing all areas and demographics of Scarsdale, selects the recipient for each award after reviewing and vetting many worthy candidates who are nominated by the community.
Please plan to help celebrate the Foundation’s honorees at the Bowl Dinner on Thursday, April 24th. Invitations are open to all Scarsdale residents and will be available in February.
The Scarsdale Foundation promotes and celebrates volunteerism and also administers grants and scholarships, provides need-based college scholarships for sophomores, juniors and seniors and recognizes extraordinary volunteers who work toward the betterment of the community. You can visit the Scarsdale Foundation web site for more information.
Andrew Sereysky
Greenacres resident Andrew Sereysky has been an active village volunteer since moving here in 1994. His long history of volunteer work has touched numerous organizations representing many facets of village life, notably the Greenacres Neighborhood Association, the Cable Television Commission, and the Advisory Council on Communications. Sereysky is known throughout the village for his numerous contributions, making him a deserving recipient of the 2025 Bowl award.
Sereysky has been an active participant in community affairs. His commitment to the Greenacres Neighborhood Association has been steadfast since 1996, serving as its President during the terms of 2004-2007 and 2013-2023. Simultaneously, he has been a key figure in the Cable Television Commission since 2004, assuming the role of Chairman from 2010 to 2014. With a professional background in advertising, Sereysky has helped to make Scarsdale’s communications more transparent and concise, playing a vital role in the Ad Hoc Committee/Advisory Council on Communications since its formation in 2016. He is currently engaged in the Ad Hoc Pool Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Sereysky and his wife, Joan, raised their son and daughter here and have since welcomed 3 grandchildren into their family.
“As chairs of the 2025 Scarsdale Bowl Committee, we are thrilled to honor Andrew Seresky with this year’s Scarsdale Bowl Award. Andrew exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and community service, consistently giving selflessly of his time and energy to enrich the lives of so many. His dedication, leadership, and unwavering commitment to making Scarsdale a better place are truly inspiring. We are privileged to celebrate his contributions and highlight the immense impact he has made in our community,” said Scarsdale Bowl co-Chair Marc Samwick.
Bowl Committee members delivering the good news. Back Row: Cynthia Samwick, Elise Flagg, Randi Culang, Anne Lyons (Foundation President), Marc Samwick, Middle Row: Alli Seiden, Isabel Finegold, Daniela Retelny, Joan and Andrew Sereysky
Sereysky has also served on the CNC Procedure Committee, SNAP, Citizens Nominating Committee, the Scarsdale Forum, Procedure Committee, School Board Nominating Committee as Administration Chairman, the Scarsdale Bowl Committee, STEP, the Board of the Scarsdale Foundation, and was a coach for many years for his children’s various sports teams. Time after time, Sereysky provided help and expertise to Scarsdale organizations. He also aims to mentor and raise up the next generation of volunteers, serving Scarsdale in myriad ways to preserve our volunteer spirit.Andrew Sereysky
Friend and former Village Trustee Deb Pekarek said, “I am so delighted that Andrew will receive the Scarsdale Bowl! Andrew loves Scarsdale and continues to volunteer his time unselfishly for the betterment of our beloved community. Andrew certainly represents the true spirit of the Scarsdale Bowl award. This will be a grand celebration!”
Following the Bowl Committee vote on Sunday night, co-chairs Marc and Cynthia Samwick along with Anne Lyons, President of the Scarsdale Foundation, Isabel Finegold, Treasurer of the Bowl Committee, and Bowl Committee members Penny Bauersfeld, Randi Culang, Elise Flagg, Daniela Retelny and Alli Seiden surprised Sereysky at his home with the news on Sunday night. Also serving on the committee this year are: Amy Cooper, Lori Kaplan, Tracy Lazarus, Toby Milstein Schulman, Ryan Spicer, Stephanie Stern, Claudia Uribe-Galeano and Julie Zhu.
“Being selected as the 2025 Scarsdale Bowl recipient is such an honor. It's an incredible recognition for which I'm forever grateful.” said honoree Sereysky.
Scarsdale Deputy Mayor Dara Gruenberg said, “Andrew’s decades-long commitment to the Scarsdale community, marked by quiet dedication, tireless hard work, and unflagging good cheer, makes him an extraordinary candidate for this year’s Scarsdale Bowl. His selfless contributions, steady leadership, and ability to inspire those around him have had a profound and lasting impact on the village, ensuring its vibrancy and continued 'small-town' feel."
The Spotlight Award Goes to SAS
For the third year, the Bowl Committee also selected a Spotlight Award winner. As opposed to the depth and breadth required of the Bowl winner, the Spotlight Award recognizes meaningful contributions in a specific area or a problem solved after focused effort.
Bowl Co-chair Cynthia Samwick noted, “The Scarsdale Adult School has long been a cornerstone of our community, fostering lifelong learning and personal growth for residents of all ages. Their tireless efforts to provide outstanding educational opportunities, innovative programming, and a welcoming environment exemplify what makes Scarsdale so special. We are honored to shine a spotlight on this remarkable organization and its ongoing commitment to inspiring and enriching our community.”
The Bowl Committee requested suggestions of individuals and organizations alike from the community and reviewed many worthy nominations before voting Scarsdale Adult School to be the 2025 recipient of the Spotlight Award in recognition of their ongoing commitment to life-long learning through their widespread educational offerings. Scarsdale Adult School director Jill Serling was likewise thrilled to learn of the award when Bowl committee members surprised her at her home with the news on Sunday night.
“I am humbled and overjoyed with the news that Scarsdale Adult School (SAS) has been awarded the Spotlight Award,” said Scarsdale Adult School Director, Jill Serling. Our success in serving our mission in service of our community of lifelong learners is truly a collective effort thanks to our amazing staff, board, advisory committee members, instructors, and students. This year’s Spotlight Award is a wonderful example of two Scarsdale institutions supporting each other in furtherance of education."
Established in 1938, the Scarsdale Adult School is an independent, not-for-profit organization chartered by the New York State Board of Regents. It launched that year with 10 classes as an evening program; its original classes were ahead of its time- including courses in finance for women. Today, the Scarsdale Adult School is a unique Scarsdale fixture, which offers continuing education and a wide range of enrichment curriculum for lifelong learning for any adult regardless of residence. The SAS serves thousands of individual students a year - filling close to ten thousand seats annually. For courses, there is a wide choice of intellectually stimulating, recreational, and skill-enhancing courses and lectures. Tuition is kept to a minimum which allows all to participate regardless of financial ability. From another community financial angle, SAS partners with other local organizations. In addition, it also rents space across various Scarsdale institutions which supports the community’s financial wellbeing.
Anne Lyons, President of the Scarsdale Foundation said, “Every year, the Scarsdale Foundation and the Scarsdale Bowl Committee seek to celebrate the spirit of volunteerism and generosity that make our community so special by honoring those who exemplify those ideals. The Scarsdale Adult School has been a fixture in the Scarsdale community for 87 years attracting thousands of lifelong learners to partake in their impressive course selection thanks to the efforts of many dedicated community volunteers. Andrew Sereysky is the consummate community volunteer. His welcoming and inclusive personality, and the twinkle in his eyes when he asks you to help out, encourages many to become part of the rich volunteer community in Scarsdale that makes our Village a very special place. We are thrilled to be celebrating with such dedicated volunteers and our larger community on April 24th.”
Commenting on the news, the Scarsdale Bowl Committee said, "We are thrilled to celebrate the 2025 Scarsdale Bowl honorees, Andrew Sereysky and the Scarsdale Adult School, for their outstanding contributions to our community! Andrew’s unwavering commitment to Scarsdale and his decades of service exemplify the true spirit of volunteerism. The Scarsdale Adult School has enriched countless lives with its wide-ranging educational offerings, fostering lifelong learning and connection.
A heartfelt thank you to our amazing Bowl Committee for their hard work and dedication: Penny Bauersfeld, Amy Cooper, Randi Culang, Isabel Finegold, Elise Flagg, Lori Kaplan, Tracy Lazarus, Toby Milstein Schulman, Daniela Retelny, Ryan Spicer, Stephanie Stern, Claudia Uribe-Galeano, Alli Seiden, and Julie Zhu. Your creativity and teamwork are making this event possible!
We hope to see everyone on April 24th as we honor these well-deserving winners and the spirit of community that makes Scarsdale so special.
Warm regards,
Cynthia and Marc Samwick
Ballet des Amériques Presents Nutcracker Dream at the Emelin Theatre
- Details
- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 711
The Emelin Theatre resumes a holiday tradition – NUTCRACKER DREAM – in partnership with Westchester’s premier professional dance company Ballet des Amériques, with a magnificent backdrop plus new costumes and choreographies to keep faithful audiences engaged and excited.
The Emelin Theatre is proud to present Nutcracker Dream, performed by Ballet des Amériques, one of the few professional dance companies in the New York metro area producing this holiday classic. Inspired by the work of Rudolf Nureyev and Marius Petipa, this 90-minute family-friendly adaptation is an exquisite interpretation of the beloved holiday classic.
French-American choreographer Carole Alexis reimagines the traditional story by drawing on her multicultural heritage and choreographic vision. This production is based on A Story of a Nutcracker (1844) by Alexandre Dumas, a Caribbean and French author whose multicultural background mirrors the richly diverse origins of the cast. Alexis creates an energetic production with dancers that engage, surprise, and delight. “Carole’s adaptation speaks to all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds,” says Emelin’s Board President, Mark Ettenger, “and ticket prices are set at levels that are accessible, affordable and inclusive, all central to the Emelin’s mission."
Among the standout performers are Johnathon Hart, a rising star recently featured in Dance Magazine, dancing the Cavalier alongside Sugar Plum soloist Isodale Alexis. Also featured is Rosella Dunkerley, a 17-year-old local talent who has trained at the Ballet des Amériques Conservatory for six years and performs multiple roles with aspirations of becoming a professional dancer.
Young dancers from Westchester County perform children’s roles, showcasing a vibrant local presence in the production. The new magnificent backdrop, costumes, and fresh choreographies ensure that faithful audiences remain engaged and excited. Additionally, this presentation marks an extraordinary collaboration between two arts organizations committed to celebrating the performing arts and fostering community connections.
This exclusive engagement at the Emelin includes eight matinee and evening performances in December. Tickets starts at $41 for adults and $30 for students, inclusive of all fees, in keeping with the mission of making the arts affordable and accessible.
The opening Gala is Saturday, December 14 at 7PM, and a limited number of VIP packages are being offered. Subsequent performances are scheduled twice daily at 1:30 PM and 5 PM on December 15, 21, 22 and 26.
A TREASURED PARTNERSHIP AND TRADITION | Ballet des Amériques has been staging productions at the Emelin Theatre since 2012. Nutcracker Dream premiered at the Emelin in 2018, and was staged again in 2019, and most recently in 2023 to sold-out audiences.
ABOUT CAROLE ALEXIS | Carole Alexis is a choreographer, producer, dance educator and pedagogue and the founder and director of the Carole Alexis Ballet Theatre/Ballet des Amériques, who has won numerous awards and proclamations for her contributions to the arts and the advancement of culture. Most recently, in 2021, Carole Alexis was named Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture, and in 2023, she was honored with the Artist Award by ArtsWestchester. A student of Maurice Béjart, Alexis’ choreographic work is rooted in classical ballet training and tradition while drawing upon influences as disparate as children's games, island rituals, natural phenomena, and modern urban life.
ABOUT BALLET DES AMÉRIQUES | Under the directorship of Carole Alexis, Ballet des Amériques has been staging productions at the Emelin Theatre since 2012. The company’s extensive and eclectic repertoire bears Carole Alexis’ distinctive signature and vision, reinvigorating “ballet” for new audiences and dance connoisseurs alike. Proclaimed “Westchester’s Premier Dance Company” by the County Executive and voted “Best Ballet Company” by the editors of Westchester Magazine, Ballet des Amériques has danced in nearly 200 productions throughout Westchester, the greater New York City area and overseas and is committed to developing inclusive dance audiences through choreography and performances of the highest quality.
ABOUT THE EMELIN | Founded in 1972, the Emelin Theatre is a non-profit organization that brings world class performing arts to Westchester County. Promoting a cultural life that entertains and educates our audience, the Emelin presents numerous world class events including all genres of music, comedy, dance, and family theatre, plus a broad range of independent and contemporary film. Well-known for our high-quality and affordable programs, the Emelin is one of the few performing arts venues in our region offering such a broad mix of entertainment appealing to all ages and tastes, attracting audiences from Westchester County and beyond. Voted Best of Westchester Professional Theatre 2020. Best of Westchester Children's Theatre 2023. (Westchester Magazine)
The Emelin Theatre’s 2024-25 programs are made possible in part by ArtsWestchester with support from Westchester County Government and by New York State Council on The Arts.
For more information, please visit here.
Emelin Theater:
153 Library Lane
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Email: [email protected]
Box Office in-person Hours: Two hours prior to any scheduled performance.