Monday, Jan 20th

Community Bulletin Board

bulletinboardCommunity Bulletin Board:

See notes below from the library, the PTA Scholarship Fund and the Scouts


Participate in the Friends of the Scarsdale Library Read-a-Thon to benefit the library.
Scan the QR code below to get started.

Final Draft of Read a thon Flyer

Give to the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College

The Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College helps to defray freshman-year tuition costs for students in need of financial assistance by providing grants to graduating Scarsdale seniors for their freshman year of college.gradhats2

Every Scarsdale household recently received an appeal to support the Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College. While our community is generally one of means, there are families here affected by hardship, such as illness, divorce, and business collapse, which can have devastating effects on a family’s ability to pay for college education. We expect student needs to be significant again this year.

The Fund is administered under strict rules of confidence, and all money raised directly benefits qualified students. Scholarship funding comes solely from donations by Scarsdale residents, businesses, PTC, PTA’s and other local organizations.

You can learn more about and donate to the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College by visiting Donations, which are tax-deductible, may also be mailed to Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College, 1057 Post Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Please contact Beth Cukier at [email protected] with any questions. Thank you in advance for your support!

Scout Uniforms Needed

Do you have Scout uniforms or camping gear gathering dust? Troop 4 has recently experienced a growth spurt - we now have over 35 members, many of whom are new to Scouting. If you have uniforms or gear (sleeping bags, sleeping pads, backpacks, etc..) you want to donate, please contact Heather Kolb at [email protected].