From Jane Manning, President of NOW
- Wednesday, 13 October 2010 17:14
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 13 October 2010 17:19
- Published: Wednesday, 13 October 2010 17:14
- Hits: 5090
To the Editor: I am writing to thank Assemblywoman Amy Paulin for her outstanding work to advance public safety, protect children’s health, and prevent violence against women. The National Organization for Women’s NYC chapter has found Amy Paulin to be one of New York State’s most effective champions for policies that better women’s and children’s lives.
Assemblywoman Paulin won passage of a bill eliminating the statute of limitations in rape cases (under the old law, a rapist who avoided arrest for five years could not be prosecuted under any circumstances, even if proven guilty by DNA evidence). Thanks to Amy Paulin there are rapists in jail—and that means new rapes that will not happen—because of this bill. She sponsored and passed legislation to lengthen orders of protection for domestic violence victims, to expand Family Court access to victims of dating violence, to create criminal penalties for abusers who prevent their victims from calling 911, and to stop human traffickers.
A vigorous advocate for preventive health care, she authored new laws to improve availability of flu and H1N1 vaccines, require insurance companies to cover treatment of mental illness, and expand dental care access for impoverished children.
One of the most productive members of the legislature, she gets results because she is exceptionally hard-working and is respected by Democratic and Republican legislators alike. When I call a Republican legislator or staffer about a bill and mention that it is authored by Assemblywoman Paulin, the bill is taken instantly more seriously because of the trust and respect Assemblywoman Paulin has earned from her colleagues in both parties. Our chapter of the National Organization for Women is deeply grateful to Amy Paulin for her outstanding service to the people of Westchester and New York State.
Jane Manning
President, National Organization for Women, NYC Chapter