Friday, Mar 14th

Don't Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater

letterTo the Editor: I am as frustrated by the dysfunction and corruption in Albany as anyone, so I largely agree with those whose response to an incumbent running for re-election to the State legislative bodies is to say “no way.” However, that should definitely not be the response when considering incumbent Assembly member, Amy Paulin. Rejecting Amy's candidacy would be a big mistake. It is in just these tough times that we need what Amy Paulin has consistently provided: an able legislator who is in office to make positive contributions to helping people in their community, not just to stay to feather her own nest or to help special interests. Amy Paulin is that special legislator who has stood up for people and reform and against entrenched interests.


  • Amy is one of only two Assembly members to refuse to accept what the leadership calls “member-items” but which is just money handed out to reward following the party line; she is sponsoring legislation to completely overhaul the unfair process for awarding this money to legislators.
  • Amy introduced legislation to stop officeholders convicted of a felony from receiving their taxpayer-funded pensions.
  • Amy pushed for an independent ethics and oversight board for the legislative and executive branches.
  • Amy has long been an advocate for an independent, nonpartisan redistricting commission.
  • Amy successfully fought for rule-changes in the Assembly to end “absentee voting” and broadcast proceedings on cable television.
  • Endorsed by both Ed Koch and NY Uprising as a “Hero of Reform,” Amy has proven that she can bring about needed reform in Albany.

So before you throw the baby out with the bathwater, stop and recognize who and what Amy Paulin is and I think you will agree with me that she should be reelected on November 2 so that she can finish the job.

Very truly yours,

David M. Brodsky
October 21, 2010