Thursday, Mar 20th

SHS Class of 2006 Thanksgiving Weekend Reunion

shsgrad11classAttention members of the Scarsdale High School Class of 2006:  The fifth reunion will be held this Saturday, November 26 from 10PM-12AM at SLATE  at 54 West 21st Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in NYC.

The class has rented out a space with two private cash bars, waitresses, and tables from 10pm-12am. At 12am, our private area of the bar will be open to the public; until then, it's all for SHS Class of '06! There will be no cover, but people will have to give their name at the door (there will be a class list on hand) so that Slate knows you're part of our party!

For more information, contact Audrey Arbeeney at [email protected] or by phone at 914-629-7368