SHS Class of 2014 Halloween Fest
- Thursday, 31 October 2013 10:22
- Last Updated: Monday, 04 November 2013 13:14
- Published: Thursday, 31 October 2013 10:22
- Hits: 5757
A spirited group of Scarsdale High School Seniors assembled at 8 am in front of the school to pose in their Halloween costumers on Thursday October 31. Unlike last year when Hurricane Sandy caused the Halloween breakfast to be delayed, the weather cooperated and excited chickens, penguins, white rabbits, and foxes pranced and danced in their colorful garb.
Some of the more original costumes were a trio of girls dressed in paint-splattered shifts who said there were "Jackson Pollack" and a group from the crystal meth lab on the television series Breaking Bad.. Another clever group of girls mocked their elders and were dressed as old folks, with a walker, glasses and a sweater with too many doo-dahs. The girl scouts, ballerinas, angels and devils were lovely and a troupe sporting inflatable red morph suits stole the show.
This year the teachers got involved too. The guidance department showed up in scrubs holding a sign that said "It's not brain surgery ... It's just high school," and senior class advisors Kendra Claussen and Oren Iosepovici were covered in blood as "prom zombies" and took the prize for "scariest."
Take a look at this dazzling display here: