Thursday, Mar 20th

New Year's Message from Assemblywoman Amy Paulin

Here is a letter from New York State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin discussing her progress in 2014: Happy New Year!  Because of your continued support, next week I will begin a new legislative session in the NYS State Assembly. I have spent the last few months preparing for another active and challenging year. As always, my goal is to serve my district vigorously, and to make sure my constituents’ interests are given a high priority in the NYS legislature. 5

In 2014, I sponsored 33 bills that passed the Assembly, 18 of which Governor Cuomo signed, putting me in the top 1% of legislators whose bills became law. Among these new laws, one of the most important would compel the Port Authority to comply with the Freedom of Information Laws in New York and the Open Public Records Act in New Jersey.

As the Chair of the Energy Committee I am also pleased to report that four of my bills promoting renewable energy were signed into law.

As many of you know, my mantra during the last several years has been “People Are Not For Sale.” This year I am anxious to continue my fight to help bring an end to human trafficking in New York State by passing The Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act.  I will continue in my effort to convince my colleagues to put partisan politics aside and pass this important legislation that increases accountability for the real criminals – the buyers and traffickers who continue to fuel the growth of this massive and heinous industry. As responsible legislators, we must finally help to break the cycle of dependency, humiliation and degradation that too many young women face.  

My work on behalf of New York State’s veterans is another high priority.  We can’t do enough for the brave men and women who have voluntarily put themselves in harm’s way so that we can live freely and safely. My Veteran’s Pension Buyback bill passed both the Assembly and the Senate for the very first time. Although Governor Cuomo did not sign this bill, he has committed to working out an agreement in the upcoming budget. 

Many of the bills I had passed this year were of benefit to the communities which I serve. Whether it was parking in Bronxville, insurance concerns in the Scarsdale school district or traffic lights in New Rochelle. I remain enthusiastic about meeting the needs of my constituents and look forward to working closely with all of my communities. 

Overall, 2014 was a very busy year and I expect nothing less from 2015. I am proud of what I have accomplished for the 88th Assembly District and remain honored that I will once again be able to serve as your representative. I look forward to working with my constituents to continue the progress that we have made.  As always, I can be reached at my district office at 914-723-1115 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Amy Paulin
NYS Assembly (D-88)