Thursday, Mar 20th

Trustees Sworn in at Village Hall

arestcrandallveronNew York State law requires government officials to be sworn in on the first Monday in April so the Village of Scarsdale didn’t let an unexpected snowstorm interrupt the ceremony.

Village Manager Steve Pappalardo and Village Clerk Donna Conkling were at Scarsdale Village Hall at noon on Monday April 2 to swear in the three newly elected Village Trustees. As their families, well-wishers and Village staff looked on, Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Jane Veron each took the oath of office and vowed to uphold the U.S. Constitution during their two-year terms.

Pappalardo joked, “You get sworn in today, and then you can swear at us for the next two years!”


It was a proud moment after a toughly contested election.

Best of luck to our volunteer trustees.

ceremonycrandallLena Crandall is sworn in by Donna Conkling.ceremony arestJustin Arest is sworn in by Donna Conkling.ceremonyveronJane Veron is sworn in by Donna Conkling.steveaanddonnaVillage Manager Steve Pappalardo and Village Clerk Donna ConklingsteveandjanePappalardo and VeroncrandallwithboysLena Crandall and her boys.arestfamilyJustin Arest and family.janeandandrewJane Veron and Andrew FeldsteindaraanddanMayor Dan Hochvert and Dara GruenbergdebandjonDeb Pekarek and Jon Leslie