Thursday, Mar 06th

Deadline Approaching to Enroll In or Change Political Party for NY Primary 

voteNew York State recently passed a series of new voting reforms that makes it easier for residents of New York State to vote.   Adding to these reforms, Governor Cuomo and the NYS Legislature recently enacted a new law that allows voters to elect or change their political party enrollment in a more timely manner.  Enrollment in a political party allows a voter to participate in that party’s primary elections.  Voters in New York State may now choose to enroll in a political party, or change their political party enrollment, at any time up until February 14th, 2020.  The change will be effective immediately.   Previously, voters could make this change up until October 11 and the enrollment change went into effect the following year.  

New York’s presidential primary will take place on April 28, 2020, and the congressional and state primary will take place on June 23, 2020.  If you would like to vote in any of the party’s primaries you must be enrolled in that political party and you have until February 14th, 2020 to enroll or change your designation.

Currently, there is no separate form to be filled out to change a voter’s political party enrollment.  Rather, a voter must use the current voter registration form to do so.  The registration form has a section where the voter may choose to enroll in a political party.  To find out if you are registered to a political party, that information is available here. Voter registration forms, including online forms, can be found on the New York State Board of Elections website. This website also has other important information about voter registration. There will also be copies of the voter registration forms at the Library Loft and the rack in the lobby of Village Hall.  You may also visit the Westchester County Board of Elections (25 Quarropas Street, White Plains) and fill out a voter registration form to add or change your political party affiliation.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the League of Women Voters, Voter Service Representatives at [email protected].