Thursday, Mar 20th

Young Chefs Shine at Chile Cook-Off at Hitchcock

chilenoahFirst place winner Noah Chappell, holding the cutting board he was awarded.Hitchcock Church held its annual chili cook-off on Sunday January 25. This year the younger set ruled, though members of the community of all ages benefited from the chili tasting after service.

chilechefThere was no shortage of competitors at this year’s cook-off. There were 14 entrants.

chiletroop4Troop 4 Scarsdale came in second, represented by Matthew Kolb, Danny Hwang, Scoutmaster Kevin McCarthy, and Justin Gao. Jason and Steven Ren, not pictured, were also part of this winning team.

 ChileBeverlyCrowd Favorite Award was presented to Dr. Beverly Thornhlll (center, with glasses).

 chilebenitezYoung chef Lillian Benitez (third from left) took home third plaAll photos courtesy of Hyun Hwang.