Trashing Scarsdale Sanitation
- Tuesday, 18 May 2010 20:14
- Last Updated: Friday, 28 May 2010 22:58
- Published: Tuesday, 18 May 2010 20:14
- Hits: 11488
This story was picked up from Scarsdale10583 by CBS and aired in a segment by Tony Aiello on the 6 pm news on May 27th. Dear Scarsdale10583: As I looked out my kitchen window today, Fox Meadow Road resembled Manhattan in the early 80's. There was garbage strewn everywhere. Everything from dry cleaning wrapping, crumpled Red Bull cans and used Tupperware decorated the street. This is becoming a common occurrence on Fox Meadow Road. I have actually witnessed my garbage man …(sorry) "sanitation engineer", drop garbage from his collection route, step over what he's dropped and give me a big friendly, toothy morning smile. I called the Scarsdale Sanitation Department today to complain and they actually had the audacity to tell me that they don't collect litter!!
They lackadaisically said that they would send someone out in a week or two to do a general clean up, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I drove along Fox Meadow Road, getting in and out of my car in the pouring rain to collect all the trash with my bare hands. It is all still in the back of my Acura. My intention is to drive on over to the Scarsdale Sanitation Department tomorrow and sprinkle it all over their front lawn. Maybe just maybe then will the Sanitation Department see that picking up litter is part of a Garbage Man's..(sorry) "Sanitation Engineers" job.