Thursday, Mar 06th

Feuds with Delivery Men and Identity Thefts from the Scarsdale Police

scarsdale-police-car200Scarsdale10583 received many inquiries and comments about the gang fight in Scarsdale Village in the early hours of Sunday morning August 19th. In response, we followed up with the Scarsdale Police to inquire about their investigation and here is what we learned from Detective Thomas J. Altizio.  “We have reviewed all of the videos and conducted several interviews with the victims. We have identified some of the individuals involved, and Detectives are out working on the case right now. It is an active investigation that we are working with the MTA Police on, and if there are any notable developments or arrests I will keep you updated.”

In other news from the Scarsdale Police Department:

Delivery details: A UPS delivery man called police on the afternoon of 8/24 about a delivery to Penn Boulevard. After the UPS man handed the resident the electronic pen and clipboard to sign for the package, the resident refused to return the pen and clipboard. Police spoke to both parties and the clipboard was returned.

A Fedex man also had a dispute with a resident at 9 am on 8/25. The Fenimore Road woman claimed that the Fedex man had thrown a package against her door and broken a glass panel. However the Fedex man said that as he was placing the package on the doorstep a small dog jumped onto the glass panel and broke it. Police found that the dog had a cut on its leg and also noticed that the glass panel had been pushed outside, not in. They documented the incident for Fedex.

Dobbs Terrace residents called to report that a Fedex Package had been stolen from their home on August 23rd. Police spoke to neighbors and found that one of them had brought the package into her house as the residents were out of town.

For Rent? On 8/25, three men came to the door of a home on 67 Weaver Street claiming that they saw a rental ad for the property on Craig’s List. The resident told them that her house was not for rent. The men provided a reference number for the ad. Police called to inquire and found that a home at 867 Weaver Street had been advertised for rent.

Fireworks: At 10 pm on 8/24 police were called about kids setting off fireworks at Hyatt Field on Boulevard. Police found the youths with an unused firework and a bottle of beer. They asked the kids to throw out the firework and the beer and to call their parents. Police waited while parents came to pick their kids up from the field.

Mischief: the Head of Campus for the French American School on Palmer Avenue called to report that the doors to three storage sheds that house bicycles and scooters had been broken overnight on 8/24- 8/25. This was the fourth time the doors were broken. All of the scooters and bikes were there but it appeared that the vandals had played with the equipment.

Stuck: An Evon Court resident called police at 7:20 am on 8/25 when she was unable to exit the CVS parking lot on Depot Place. Though her parking receipt had been validated, the gate failed to go up. A CVS manager was able to open the gate with a key.

Missing: A concerned Quaker Ridge father came to police at 2:28 am on 8/27 to report that his daughter and her friend had failed to return from a party on Hickory Lane. The girls were subsequently located.

An Elm Road woman called police on the morning of 8/26 to report a car that had been parked on her street for several days and was blocking her driveway. Police found that the car was parked illegally and already had several tickets on the windshield. They had the car towed to the Scarsdale Police Impound Lot.

Identity Thefts: Over $3,000 in fraudulent charges were made to a Webster Road man’s Chase debt and credit cards between 8/9 and 8/21. On 8/27 a Tisdale Road man reported that $28,242 in fraudulent charges were made to his debt and credit cards. The man still had possession of his cards and did not know how this had happened. On 8/28 a Canterbury Road man reported that $2,293 in unauthorized charges were made to his debt card at a Target Store in Brooklyn. Spier Road residents also reported unauthorized use of their TD Bank checking account and credit line beginning on 7/28/11. There were unauthorized transfers, withdrawals, deposits and use of a credit card and online accounts. The fraudulent activity could total “tens of thousands of dollars.”

Sideswiped: A Nelson Road man reported that his brother saw a Con Edison truck sideswipe his car while it was parked at his home on Nelson Road on August 25th.

Police were called to a Meadow Road home on 8/26 to stand by while an ex-wife removed property from the house.

Animals: A Grand Park woman reported that her dog brought a dead rabbit into the house at 5:30 pm on 8/22. Police removed the rabbit from the house.

A coyote was spotted on Mamaroneck Road near Garden Road on August 23rd at 2:36 pm and at 3:22 p.m. police were called about a coyote on Windmill Circle. At 4:27 p.m., another call came in about a coyote on Cayuga Road. Police searched but were unable to find the coyotes.