Thursday, Mar 20th

Pitch in for Parks on Sunday April 15

brp3The Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) will participate in “Pitch In for Parks,” in coordination with the Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy (BRPRC), to clean up the Bronx River parkland on Sunday, April 15th from 10am to 3pm.

The Reservation is a significant natural feature along its 12.5 miles from the Bronx border to Kensico Dam. It provides valuable green space passing through densely populated urban areas like Yonkers, Mount Vernon and White Plains, as well as the hamlets, villages and towns of Bronxville, Tuckahoe, Crestwood, Eastchester, Scarsdale and Hartsdale.

“Pitch In for Parks” is the largest single-day volunteer activity of the year for Westchester County Parks. The JLCW’s participation is being coordinated by the “Let’s Save the Earth” committee, and will be staffed by JLCW members, their families, and friends. The JLCW welcomes any additional help from the community. The JLCW is planning on vine cutting and trash pickup. Trash bags, disposable gloves, and tools for vine cutting will be provided, but we recommend bringing your own heavy-duty garden gloves. Also please remember to wear suitable clothing, and bring some water bottles, especially for your children.

Help the Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy care for our County's first park, and the location of the nation’s first public parkway designed explicitly for automobile use. Volunteers are asked to meet at the location, on the pathway just north of the Harney Road entrance, on the day of the event between 10am and 3pm. Nearby parking is available on Garth Road.

Please call 914.723.6130 or email [email protected], if you have questions.