Thursday, Mar 27th

The Class of 1974 - Forty Years Later

classof74Is it really four decades later? Some 102 members of Scarsdale High School's class of 1974 (plus 32 spouses) mulled that (im)possibility at their 40th reunion on October 11th. Classmates relived their youth at the Beckwith Point Beach Club in New Rochelle -- right down the street from the site of their 6/21/74 prom. The evening, no surprise, featured long hugs, funny reminiscences and serial conversations about careers and kids. In a serious moment, George Branche, (pictured front and center) senior class council president and one of the reunion's organizers, recalled the importance of his high school's years and acknowledged the group's generally good fortune. Over the following few days, classmates jammed Facebook with photos of the evening, including this group shot.