Thursday, Mar 20th

New Paver Initiative to Fund SHS Construction, PTA Calls for Donations to Scholarship Fund

pavergardenStephen Seward, Executive Director of the Scarsdale Schools Foundation has announced a community-wide effort to raise funds for the capital campaign to build a Design Lab and Fitness Center at Scarsdale High School. They are inviting all Scarsdale residents to participate by purchasing pavers to support the effort.

To date, the Schools Foundation has raised over $1.6 million in capital funds toward their goal of $2.6 million. But they need the support of everyone in the community to reach the finish line.

Pavers are designed to be personalized -- honoring graduates, teachers, families, teams or others -- and are available for $250 and $1,000. The pavers will be displayed in a "paver garden" in a redesigned courtyard at the high school, adjacent to the new Design Lab. Called the Bander patch garden, the pavers will be incoroporated into a large chessboard design in a garden with benches and trees.

Mark Bezos, the Education Foundation's board president, noted, "We are very pleased to invite everyone in the community to help us with this vital project. We know that a Design Lab and new Fitness Center at the high school will improve the educational experience of our children and have a very positive impact on the entire school community."

A similar initiative took place more than a decade ago to raise money to install the high school's first turf field. Contributors purchased pavers inscribed with their names which are now at the entrance to the high school track.

Residents will receive a mailing about the "Pave the Way" initiative this week. Watch for it and consider doing your part to fund the Health and Fitness Center and Design Lab at Scarsdale High School. Click here to buy your paver today.

PTA Scholarship Fund Calls for Donations:

As the school year winds down, the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College finds that they have many applicants but are below their annual goal for donations received. This will directly impact the number of grants they are able to make, as well as the amount they can give to each student.

Please help them make sure that the door to higher education is open to all students. The Fund provides one-year grants to graduating SHS seniors who need financial assistance in order to attend college. They rely on donations from Scarsdale residents, as well as local businesses and organizations.

This year there are 19 retiring teachers/staff in the district, including:
Edgewood: Ellen Anders, Wilda Savarese
Greenacres: Nancy Closter, Maggie Hoffee
Heathcote: Dassi Citron
SMS: Margaret Fox, Dorothy Golden, Andrea Tripodi, Sharon Waskow, Sarah Whittington
SHS: Roger Capucci, Sandra Cisco, Tom Conrad, Ann Liptak, Sue Peppers, Beth Schoenbrun, Paul Sheehey, Ihor Szkolar, Laurence Brown

What better way to thank them for their long-standing contributions to our schools than to make a donation in their honor!

If you have already given this year, the committee thanks you for your generosity and for your commitment to the young people in our community. Donations can be made to SHS PTA Scholarship Fund, PO Box 147H, Scarsdale, NY 10583 or online here