Thursday, Mar 20th

CNC Seeks Candidates for Village Justice and Trustee


Following its public organizational meeting, the Citizens Nominating Committee seeks Scarsdale residents for the offices of Village Justice and Village Trustee. In a change from past practice, candidates for Village Justice will provide their resumes to the CNC, which shall refer the candidates to the Judicial Qualification Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee intends to meet in December, so candidates need to submit their resumes soon. The Advisory Committee has the responsibility to review the judicial qualifications of the candidates and will provide confidential recommendations to the CNC, which will then hear presentations from selected candidates.

All Village residents are invited to seek nomination for Village Justice and Trustee. Contact any elected member of the CNC, or inform the CNC Chair, Marc Greenwald, at 646-345-2122 or [email protected], or CNC Vice Chair, Ryan Spicer at 401-225-9102 or [email protected].