Thursday, Mar 20th

After an Accident, Mother Asks for the Installation of a Traffic Light in Scarsdale

Accident2Miles, clutching his helmet, after his bicycle was hit by a car on Post Road.After an 11 year-old was hit by a car on the Post Road on May 27, 2022, his mother is asking for the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Post and Edgewood Roads. See below for letters to the Editor and to Assemblymember Amy Paulin from Christine Weston of Taunton Road in Scarsdale.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to correct an item in today’s police blotter. On Friday, May 27th my 11-year-old son, Miles Weston was hit by a car on Post Road. The blotter incorrectly reads that he was “nearly hit” when, in fact, his bicycle was hit, and his foot grazed the tire of the car. There was some initial miscommunication with the police and the village on this fact, so unfortunately the blotter picked up the wrong information. I have also sent an email to the mayor, village manager, and trustees, clarifying the error. Following is an email that I sent to Amy Paulin’s office, as I am working to put pressure on New York State to install a proper traffic light at that very dangerous intersection.

I would be willing to discuss this issue further, as I have received a lot of support from community members after posting about the incident on Facebook. If anything, I would like to submit a proper letter to the editor to be printed to clarify the details of the accident.

Christine Weston

June 2, 2022

Dear Ms. Paulin,

On Friday, May 27th, 2022, around 4:45pm, my 11-year-old son, Miles Weston, was hit by a car on Post Road in Scarsdale at the corner of Edgewood Road. He was walking his bike, on his way home from playing with friends at Edgewood, our local elementary school. While attempting to cross the busy Post Road using the pedestrian-controlled crosswalk signal, one car did not stop, and struck the front tire of his bike, and his foot grazed one of her tires.

I implore you to help me put pressure on the New York State Department of Transportation to install a traffic light at that intersection, the corner of White Plains Post and Edgewood Roads. In addition to the elementary school one block east of the corner, many cross there to access the cut-through to Windsor Lane as a short-cut to the village and train station. This crosswalk is used by children, caregivers, and commuters multiple times a day, and I have heard from many who have experienced near-miss accidents. The crossing guard that works there during school hours fears for her safety every day. Police officers I have spoken with also report being ignored when attempting to direct traffic when the crossing guard is not on duty. This is clearly a genuine issue that needs to be addressed.

Thankfully, my son was not physically hurt, though he has had nightmares and flashbacks of the event. The woman who struck him did stop, but was not apologetic at first, telling him that he “came out of nowhere.” I am absolutely positive that she is beside herself for what happened, and that it was a complete accident; however, that statement is proof positive that it is impossible for motorists to see pedestrians.

The witnesses at the accident told me that Miles has the “reflexes of a ninja.” If he had not pulled his bike back as fast as he did, I shudder to think of what would have happened. I cannot help but think of what could happen if another child or adult is not so quick to react.

I have attached a copy of the police accident report (#22-15679) as well as the statement I gave to the police. I am hopeful that these documents will help move the case along.

Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.


Christine Weston
26 Taunton Road