Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale Forum Celebrates Community at Octoberfest

Beer(This letter was written by BK Munguia of the Scarsdale Forum)
The Scarsdale Forum welcomed over 100 members and guests to Octoberfest 2022, its thirteenth annual membership party at The Scarsdale Woman’s Club on Saturday, October 29. Guests were greeted by Forum President Susan Douglass and directed to the many outdoor activities throughout the grounds. In addition to the games and craft activities set out for the children, Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps brought its ambulance to explore, the Scarsdale Fire Department showcased an antique firetruck and the Scarsdale Police Department sent one of its finest in a patrol car. Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service hosted an informational table throughout the afternoon. Over the balmy fall afternoon, Cynthia Roberts conducted a tree tour on the club’s grounds.

Bruce Wells held court under the grand white oak at the popular beer tasting station featuring his home brewed beers. Manny Lourdes, MC Catering served a delicious buffet luncheon. Guests were entertained by the Hoff Barthelson Music School Advanced Jazz Ensemble in the club’s Music Room. Octoberfest 2022 was a zero waste event thanks to the efforts of Darlene LeFrancois-Haber, chair of the Forum’s Sustainability Committee.

We thank Lion’s Heart for providing several young volunteers as well as local vendors Bronx River Books, La Dentelliere, Learning Express, Metro Diner, Parkway Café, Serenity and Setsuko at Jean Claude for generously donating raffle prizes for the event.

The Scarsdale Forum is a 118 year old charitable organization dedicated to improving life in Scarsdale through its educational programs and activities. The Forum offers programs of interest to our community, engages in studies of the issues affecting Scarsdale and sponsors public events such as the Sunday Speaker Series. All Scarsdale residents are welcome to join: Ahuja

A special thank you to Scarsdale10583 for its assistance in publicizing Octoberfest 2022 to the community.


Lena Crandall and B. Kathleen Munguia, Co-chairs
Scarsdale Forum
Special Events Committee

Mark ArestForumKidsfiretruck