Vote Today March 19 at Scarsdale Public Library
- Monday, 18 March 2024 07:28
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 19 March 2024 08:30
- Published: Monday, 18 March 2024 07:28
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1180
(This letter was submitted by Joe Zakierski, Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party’s Campaign Committee Chair)
When I volunteered to assume the responsibility of chairing the Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party’s Campaign Committee on behalf of the Citizens Nominating Committee of Scarsdale (CNC), I did so with conviction, driven by several compelling reasons. Foremost among these was my unwavering confidence in the candidates meticulously selected by the committee. As many residents are aware, the CNC dedicates countless hours to meeting with and vetting numerous candidates each year to curate the slate of trustees, a responsibility that extends to the Village Justice position this year. Guided by rigorous discourse and a thorough selection process aimed at identifying the most suitable candidates, I left our final meeting brimming with excitement and hope for our town's continued stewardship over the next two years under the leadership of Jeremy Gans, Ken Mazer, Jeremy “Jerry” Wise, and Michael Curti.
Since January, bolstered by the support and assistance of numerous members of our community, we embarked on a journey to delve deeper into the individuals vying for these positions. I discovered that this slate of candidates embodies not only capability, drive, and exceptional qualifications but also warmth, gratitude, and compassion. Each candidate harbors a profound love for our town and an unequivocal commitment to excel in their roles. They shoulder a sense of responsibility toward their children, grandchildren, and fellow Scarsdalians, propelling them to make prudent, albeit arduous, decisions to push our community forward.
Becoming Village Trustee or Justice is not a popularity contest or a lifetime achievement award.
These candidates are equipped to confront the challenges ahead because of their extensive experience in relevant fields or direct service to our community and beyond. They also happen to be very well liked by many people from all walks of life, so maybe they could win a popularity contest or two!
Jeremy Gans, Ken Mazer, Jeremy “Jerry” Wise, and Michael Curti epitomize the qualities we should all seek in local leaders—they confront the demands of navigating varied personalities and perspectives with courage and integrity, all with the common goal of securing our collective future.
They have the full support of our committee, and I look forward to them having your support as well on March 19 from 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM in the Scott Room at the Scarsdale Library.
-Joe Zakierski, Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party’s Campaign Committee Chair