Free eBook and Audio book Downloads Available from the Library
- Wednesday, 13 April 2011 07:42
- Last Updated: Thursday, 14 April 2011 07:38
- Published: Wednesday, 13 April 2011 07:42
- Hits: 5926
The Scarsdale Public Library now offers free downloadable eBooks and Audio books. The library is adding many new and popular titles exclusively for Scarsdale Library cardholders, through OverDrive Advantage, a digital distribution service.
Books, from bestsellers, popular fiction and non-fiction to classics, are available for downloading to variety of popular eReaders, including the Nook and Nook Color, Kobo, Sony Reader, Iphones, Ipads and portable devices and smartphones. Due to digital licensing limitations and incompatible formats, OverDrive titles currently cannot be downloaded to Kindles. Audio books can be downloaded to MP3 players, IPods, and other mobile devices. Titles are available for downloading to desktop PCs and Macs as well. The loan period is up to two weeks and the best news is that if you have a library card you can download the books at home.
“It has never been easier to borrow electronic books – at no cost – and use them on some of the most popular portable devices,” said Beth Bermel, library director. “While electronic books are available across the Westchester Library System, we have acquired additional copies of some of the newest books that can only be loaned to Scarsdale Library cardholders. We’re delighted to offer this new expanded service to our patrons.”
To download the materials, go to, and click on the OverDrive Advantage link. Login and follow instructions to download required software or apps and you’re ready to select your titles. For more information, please call the Scarsdale Public Library Reference Desk at (914) 722-1300.