Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale's Brandon Steiner Publishes Second Book

Steiner_BookCEO of Steiner Sports, owner of Last Licks and Scarsdale resident Brandon Steiner, has written his second book, You Gotta Have Balls, which will be hitting the shelves this September. The book follows the story of how Brandon Steiner came from humble beginnings in Brooklyn to build his sports empire, supplying the reader with business tips along the way.

Given the number of business books out there, the question, “What makes this book unique?” becomes important. When asked this, Steiner explained that unlike other, analytical, cut-and-dry business books, this is a “story-telling book.” The real life situations explored in the book make the business ideas easier for readers to relate to. In addition, Steiner revealed that the book “gets past the obvious stuff,” and gets to the core of what makes a business a success.

Steiner stated that he hopes the book will give readers “a greater appreciation for entrepreneurism at its finest and purist” and “wider and improved view of sports marketing.” In addition, Steiner commented that this would not be his last book. He plans on possibly writing a book about parenting, in which he finds “good” parents and asks them for their secrets. Another one of his ideas is to write a table-top book with stories about some of the most famous autographs from his store and how they came about.

Steiner devotes much of his time and energy to improving the Westchester community. He contributes to many Westchester charities, including Family Services of Westchester, which was able to open two homes for homeless Westchester teenage boys and girls with Steiner’s help. In addition, the Steiner family hosted Keith Martinez for two years as part of the STEP program. STEP, a.k.a., the Scarsdale Student Transfer Education Plan, is an independent community program that identifies promising students of color and enables them to attend Scarsdale High School for their junior and senior years. Both of Steiner’s children attended Scarsdale High School.

If you want to see some sports memorabilia, or just get some ice-cream, you can stop by Last Licks, Steiner’s ice cream/sports memorabilia store in the Heathcote Five Corners.

To learn more about Brandon Steiner, click here.

Author: Jonathan Greenberg is a sophomore at Scarsale High School, where he writes for the school newspaper and plays baseball.