Thursday, Mar 20th

Comedy Night at the Center@862

comedynightLocal storyteller and former Scarsdale resident Sandi Marx will perform on Saturday night April 18 in an evening of comedy at the Center @ 862 at 862 Scarsdale Avenue at 8 pm.

The line-up of featured storytellers includes:

Cory Kahaney - Well-loved comedian who has appeared on HBO, Comedy Central, Letterman, the View, Last Coming Standing, etc., --and an amazing storyteller

Sandi Marx - Multiple Moth StorySlam winner and storyteller who performs all over the NYC area and had us in stitches at our Halloween show

Jim Keyes - Favorite Hudson Valley Musician, Storyteller, and Pros(e) of Pie "regular"

Susan Landon - Multiple Pie-Contest Winner AND a favorite Pros(e) of Pie storyteller

The evening will be emceed by Ivy Eisenberg with Zak Shusterman hosting and serving pies!

Five-minute open mic spots are available along with anonymous participation slips. (Come to the show to find out what this is), and of course YUMMY PIE!sandimarx

Purchase tickets here: