Thursday, Mar 20th

What To Do When a Cement Truck is Blocking Your Driveway

Concrete Mixer TruckThis letter was sent to Village Planner Elizabeth Marrinan by Roger Maldonado of Claremont Road, where a new house is going up on the neighboring lot which has been subdivided to allow for the construction of two homes.

Thursday September 29, 2016
Dear Liz: I am writing to register a complaint against the work done today at 20 Claremont Road under the supervision of Paul Diamond, who was present at all relevant times. I would have copied Mr. Diamond on this email, but I do not have his email address.

The workers who were pouring cement at the site blocked our driveway with a cement truck without seeking our permission and without giving us advance notice. We have guests staying with us who needed to make a train for which they were running late. When my wife told the workers that they needed to get the truck out of the way immediately, the workers were not responsive. They eventually moved the truck and my wife drove our guests to the train station. When she returned, the workers had again blocked our driveway with the cement truck. When my wife, who by this point was understandably very upset, insisted on having the truck moved immediately, the workers again treated her disrespectfully. Mr. Diamond, rather than intervening to correct the workers' behavior, tried to explain that he could not get the workers to not block our driveway.

Liz, please let me know to whom I should direct this complaint to ensure that no such incident again occurs.

Thank you for your assistance.
Roger Juan Maldonado

(Response from Elizabeth Marrinan from Scarsdale Village)
Hi Mr. Maldonado -

I'm sorry to read this. I forwarded your email to Frank Diodati, the Building Inspector. He spoke with Mr. Diamond who agreed to instruct all of his workers/deliveries not to block your driveway or any other driveways. Should this occur again, you should contact the Police Department. FYI - Mr. Diamond's email is [email protected].
Liz M.