Thursday, Mar 20th

Earth Day Giveaway: Free Food Scrap Compost on April 21

David shoveling 5 6 17 eventTo celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 21, 2018, the Village of Scarsdale is making high quality food scrap compost available to all residents for FREE on a first come, first served basis! Simply bring a pail, bucket, or other receptacle to the Scarsdale Recycling Center, 110 Secor Rd., from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM on Saturday and take some compost home – last year’s event was well attended, so arrive early!

The food scrap compost can be used in one’s vegetable garden, flower beds, or to enrich turf in place of chemical fertilizers.

New Food Scrap Program participants are strongly encouraged – it’s easy and results in a meaningful reduction to the solid waste stream, which results in less trash incineration in the Hudson River Valley. Not only will volunteers be available to answer questions to help you get started, but we’ll also have food scrap recycling starter kits available for $20. In addition, extra three-gallon compostable bags for your countertop bin will be available for $2 per roll, and the larger 13-gallon bags will be available for $5 per roll.

Get your supplies soon because a new curbside food scrap pick-up service is being launched this spring! Details concerning this new Sanitation Department service will be distributed to residents in the next few weeks – stay tuned!

The high-quality food scrap compost being given away in celebration of Earth Day is provided pursuant to the successful Village of Scarsdale residential Food Scrap Recycling program, which was developed by the Ad-hoc Committee on Food Scrap Recycling, comprised of Village staff and dedicated resident volunteers. Over 210,000 pounds – or roughly 100 tons – of food scraps have been recycled since the beginning of the program in January 2017!Stephanie S scooping

For any questions about the April 21st compost giveaway event or about the food scrap recycling program, please contact [email protected] or call the Public Works Department at 914-722- 1150.