Thursday, Mar 20th

Vote For Members of the Citizen’s Nominating Committee on Tuesday November 13

votecheckIn every election cycle, rain or shine, voting in Scarsdale is important and potentially impactful for our community. This year, participation in the midterm election on November 6 is already on our radar, as it should be. It’s also by tradition that the administrative Procedure Committee is encouraging Scarsdale voters to make sure to participate in the Non-Partisan system’s village election on the second Tuesday in November at Village Hall – it falls this year on Tuesday, November 13. That’s when the residents who appear on the ballot for each elementary school district are seeking your vote to join the 17 current members of the Citizen’s Nominating Committee. Together they will conduct a due diligence process to nominate candidates for the offices of mayor and three village trustees, who will then appear on the Non-Partisan slate in the annual March (2019) spring election.*

The Procedure Committee congratulates all candidates for their civic commitment and public-minded spirit by standing for election in Scarsdale’s Non-Partisan process, and by their willingness to serve as volunteers on the CNC and in village office.

Please consult the CNC election brochure, which is now available (in a preliminary digital mockup) on the Procedure Committee website here, for more information about the November 13 election. The brochure contains biographies of all CNC candidates running for 13 seats on the CNC, an explanation of the proposed amendments to the Non-Partisan Resolution which will also appear on the ballot (the system’s governing document), and information on the Non-Partisan system. The final print version of the election brochure will be mailed to all households in Scarsdale, so look for it in your mailbox the week before CNC election day on November 13.

According to Procedure Committee Chair Madelaine Eppenstein: “The mail-in ballot will soon be available on the website, which will permit voters to cast their ballot by mail for their neighborhood CNC candidates and for the proposed amendments. Mail in ballots must be received at the Scarsdale village center Post Office by or before 5 pm on November 13. The entire ballot will be available at Village Hall on November 13 if you vote in person, when the lobby polling place will be open from 7-10 AM and 2-9 PM. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be held on Tuesday, November 20, 2018.”

Please exercise your vote, on both November 6th in the midterm election and on November 13th in the CNC election.

The members of the 2018 Procedure Committee are: Charles Baltman; Sarah Bell; David Dembitzer; Eric Cheng; Madelaine Eppenstein; Timothy Foley; Jeff Goodwin; Mayra Kirkendall-Rodríguez; Eli Mattioli; David Peck; Pam Rubin; Gregory Soldatenko; Nancy Steinberg; Michelle Sterling; and Bruce Wells.

* Under New York State Law, candidates outside the village non-partisan election system may also run for village office by obtaining the prescribed number of signatures on a nominating petition.