Thursday, Mar 20th

Marilyn Berger at the Scarsdale Public Library Tonight

Marilyn Berger, author of This Is A Soul: The Mission of Rick Hodes will discuss her book at the Scarsdale Public Library on Monday May 3rd at 7:30 p.m. Passionately written, This is a Soul is the moving and inspirational story of Dr. Rick Hodes, an American doctor living in Ethiopia who has devoted his life to caring for the sickest of the sick and the poorest of the poor. Dr. Hodes life and work makes for fascinating reading, especially for those who have been profoundly touched by books such as Three Cups of Tea or Cutting for Stone. This Is A Soul is also the story of the author's personal journey; while doing research for the book in Adis Ababa, she found a small child, alone and suffering. Learn how she rescued him, got him life-saving surgery and secured a new life for him in New York.

In the words of one Amazon reviewer, “Having spent time in Ethiopia I was interested in this book and found it to be an eye-opening account of the work of one man that has changed so many lives in Ethiopia and other parts of the world. I read the book in one day; simply couldn't put it down. It's a book that should be required reading for all college students. No, it should be required reading for everyone.

Learn more about Marilyn Berger and Rick Hodes here:

Admission is free and open to the public

This is a Soul
Marilyn Berger
Scarsdale Public Library
Scott Room
Monday May 3rd, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.